Chapter 13: Of Course

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Authors Note
So you get the significance of the change in colour of Azula's fire I need to explain my headcannon. As we know, from the show, fire benders were taught to use rage to power their fire, and we know Azula's relationship with her mother caused her a lot of trauma and anger. Thus I think this was the source of her fire and thus it was blue showing it was hotter because the relationship with her mother caused her so much anger. It wasn't blue because she was more powerful, but more angry.

However after 6 years of therapy and time with her brother, friends and eventually her mother it is orange, unless she gets really worked up and it goes blue again. I hope this makes some form of sense.

Aang's Point of View
Of course none of my plans can ever go to plan. Today was to be the day I proposed to my girlfriend of 6 years, on our anniversary.

But no.

Literally nothing is go according to plan this week: I decide I want to marry Katara, I have a nightmare twisting my thoughts; I ask for Sokka's blessing, he tells me no and I run away and put them in danger - I still cringe at the memory I need to work on how I take bad news; I go and get a stone for a betrothal necklace and the gets robbed and now I have to deal with that mess tomorrow; and now I want to propose to Katara and she gets kidnapped.

Of course.

After enjoying our breakfast and sorting out what we would need for the rest of the day: food, water - bending and drinking, emergency supplies, and spare cloths - you'd be surprised how quickly they could get ruined. Whilst we were packing I must have been smiling for too long and Katara noticed. "What's got you so smiley this morning Mr Avatar?" She teased with her head tilted to one side, smiling.

My hand was gently stroking the smooth stone in my pocket. I didn't dare leave it anywhere in case she found it, so I had to have it on me at all times. It was reassuring to know it was safe with me. But it also made me grin like a lovesick idiot.

Oh spirits! Quick! Think of something. Um. "Just thinking about what we were doing tomorrow, six years ago, and how much has changed since." That was not entirely a lie. Tomorrow was the anniversary of Sozin's comet, the day Fire Lord Ozi was defeated, and more relevantly in my circumstances the day me and Katara started dating. Spirits that was a big day!
"Specifically? A lot happened that day." Her smile broadened as she recalled the days events.
"What do you think? When I almost died for the second time with the weight of the world on my shoulders or when my forever girl finally allowed herself to admit she had feelings for me?" I replied with a chuckle. She sighed.
"I was confused okay."
"Well your not anymore right?"
"No. Not anymore." She replied softly and began leaning in closer. Her forehead leaning against mine. Looking into each others eyes, getting lost in them. So close to kissing...


A snow ball was pelted at Sokka's head before I'd even had a chance to respond. Katara had developed quite the reflex over the years. "Really Sokka!?" We both yelled in unison. He sure had a knack for walking in on the exact wrong moment.
"Yes. I don't care how old you are, even when your both a hundred you'll still give me the oogies. And anyways the guys are all waiting for you at the Jasmin Dragon, so I came to find you. And let's just say I see why your late."
"First off Sokka I'm technically already 118. Second we're coming now. And Katara do you wanna take this one-"
"Oh grow up Sokka!"

"Sokka get over here!" I whisper yelled. "Everyone else is already in position. Hurry up." Everyone was split into pares: me and Sokka, Zuko and Mai, Toph and Suki, and Azula and Ty Lee, with each pare either blocking an entrance or exit apart from me and Sokka whose goal was to get Katara. Sokka scampered along the metal beam above the open warehouse floor, to crouch beside me, boomerang in hand, fully prepared to fight.

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