Chapter 9: Sokka Part 4

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Toph's Point of View:
After Meathead's initial freak out, he eventually calmed down by the time we got to the border between the first and second ring. I punched a hole through the wall with my earth bending.
"Toph is that legal?"
"I don't know. Anyways all we have to do is flash some Avatar friend ID and we can do what we want! Relax. We'll be fine."

That did little to calm him but we needed to keep moving. It was getting late.

It took another half hour to get to the next ring. All filled with Sokka's guilt over Aang and fear over Katara. It was soooooooo boring. But sort of sweet in a caring big brother/ group protector kind of way. He meant well but dear spirits did he go about it in the wrong way.
"Sokka. Why did you really think Aang couldn't marry Katara? I know you know they love each other, and would always protect each other, so there's got to be another reason."
"I don't want to talk about it."

He was lying. I was right, as always.

"Really so you're okay telling your best friend that he's putting the love of his life in mortal danger constantly, but not your other friend the other reason why?"
"Hey! That's not fair. All I want to do is protect Katara. That's it." I made a face.
"Yeah. You know-"
"You can tell I'm lying. Yeah, yeah. I get it. Okay you really want the other reason?" He began defeatedly.
"Yeah, hang on a sec." I earth bent another hole in the wall and we lasted through into the next ring. "Continue."
"Obviously I want to protect Katara and Aang's feelings," I snorted at the irony, "but I also need to protect us. There are always going to be people in the world out to get us. People who want to hurt us because of our titles and what we stand for. Katara always got the brunt of it but she isn't the only one: you were captured last year in that New Ozia Society riot as an Earth bender you never should have been involved in Fire Nation politics;"

I remember that: it wasn't great being trapped in that wooden box for half a day, but I survived. The bad guys were put away. It all worked out in the end.

"4 years ago, when Suki got captured in an Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation uprising as a Kioshi Warriors she wouldn't have been on the mainland; 3 years ago, I got captured in the protests after the restoration of the air temples, I'm from the Southern Water Tribe before I had no connection to the air temples. But because of the life we lead were always involved, I've got no regrets about supporting the causes I have. I would get captured 100 times over keep things the way they are. And that's the thing: the attacks have been dying down, none of us have been in serious danger in at least 10 months. What if it all starts up again? What if someone gets hurt this time? What if we become the targets again?"

We continued walking in silence for a few minutes.

"It's okay Sokka. I kind of get it. But we're always going to be the target. We're always going to be in danger. So why not let Aang and Katara be happy? Why live in fear? It's always going to be there so what's the point? Let them get married, they love each other - I physically feel it: it's that strong." He nodded; head hung. "If there's danger, we can deal with it. We always have."

Now that calmed him.

"Thanks, Toph." He muttered. I punched him in the arm.

"Just so we're clear I'm not condoning your actions: you're apologizing to Aang the second you can, got it?"
"Don't worry, I will. I am going to fix this."

We were finally in the outer ring of Ba Sing Say. The largest ring. Home to a few farmers and their livestock, and temporary, one heartbroken Avatar.

This was not going to be easy.

I tried using my earth bending to "see" him, but the soil was too sandy for me to get a good image. "Ugh! This is going to be harder than I though. I can't feel too far and it's already been hours since he disappeared, Katara's going to kill you."
"Cheers Toph. Just what I need: negativity." He replied clearly annoyed.
"We're just going to have to search everywhere. Get ready Sokka, it's going to be a long night."
"Hey wouldn't it be easier to find him from up there?" He stated not moving an inch.
"There is not descriptive, you're going to have to point."
"The top of the wall, he'll have a fire lit, I might be able to spot it from up high."
"Jeez Sokka. That a good idea. No wonder you're helping your father lead the Southern Water Tribe." I earth bent a platform up to the top of the wall. At least up here on solid rock I could properly "see" again, just not any further than the wall.

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