Chapter 14: Katara

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Katara's Point of View
The dull throbbing from my head slowly grew as I started to wake up. I willed my eyes to open but they didn't seem to want to, and remained stubbornly shut. I tried rolling on my side, trying to gain momentum. Finally they opened, only for the light to glair right in my face. I took a minute for my eyes to adjust to this unwelcome light.

Ugh. My head.

I looked around the room. Everything was a cold sterile white. The walls. The floor. The furniture. The bed. The light peaking through the thin blind. It was all white. Not an ounce of colour.

Where was I?

"Nice to meet you, however I assume the pleasure is all mine." A large man in expensive looking Earth kingdom suit, greeted with a smug grin. "Don't worry your boyfriend will be here soon to collect you. I'm so looking forward to meeting him. I hear he's quite the catch." I tried to yell at him. Tell him his plan won't work. Tell him he's insane. Tell him the Avatar could never agree to his demands. But no sound could come out.

I was gaged. My hands tied above my head. My body strung up by that rope. My legs firmly restrained with yet more rope. I was trapped. "The Avatar will come. The Avatar will agree to my demands. And there isn't anything you can do to stop it."

Aang! Oh no what happened last night?

I looked around the room bleached of all colour, was this a trap? Is this part of his plan? Where am I? Am I in danger? Is Aang in danger?

I need to get out of here.

Aang's Point of View
After the events of the past two days, Katara was in no fit state to go home. She hadn't eaten or drank anything while she was taken captive, not to mention slept. Her injuries may have been healed but her body was drained.

I reached for her hand, gently stroking the tops of her fingers, moving in rhythm with the rise and fall of her chest. Her breathing was regular so she should be fine when she wakes up. She had fallen asleep 17 hours ago, and still not showing any signs of waking up. I know she will be fine - it just this all feels like my fault.

Whenever anyone wants something from me its always the people I care about who end up in the cross fire. Mainly Katara.

Ever since she was taken, I felt like Mr X had ripped my intestines from my body, knotted them up, shoved them back in and pinned them in place. No matter what I couldn't shake the feeling. I should have been there for her. If I wasn't off on my own, the criminals may never have thought to go after her. I loved her. She loved me. And criminals would always exploit that. Sometimes I wish I was never the Avatar. But then I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have the opportunity to help as many people as I have.

"Avatar, mind if I have a word?" Inquired an earth kingdom doctor, poking his head around the door, interrupting my thoughts.
"Yeah sure Doc. Just give me a second." He stepped back outside the room, giving me my privacy, " I'll be right back Sweetie. I'm not leaving you this time." I added kissing her forehead, before following the doctor.

"Avatar -"
"Just Aang is fine." I interrupted. I hated being referred to by my title especially when it came to personal matters. Above all I was Aang, Katara's boyfriend of six years. She was my forever girl and she needed help.
"Okay then. Aang, we have taken her of the drip as we believe she is now rehydrated enough. Her heart rate has been relatively stable so it looks like she should wake up with no complications. In short she'll be alright. All she needs to do now is wake up." He added merrily. I knew she would be fine, but coming from a medical protectional eased my stomach knots.
"Thanks Doc. Speaking of, do you have any idea when she will be waking up?"
"I don't know. As you know her body was under immense stress for over 24 hours, so it's really anyone's guess. But don't worry well be monitoring her and we inform if we have any concerns."
"Okay thanks anyways. I'll leave you to get on with your work then."
"Thank you Sir. And, anyways, its not every day I get to help the Avatar." I chuckled.
"Well I don't really want to make a habit of going to hospitals with an injured girlfriend. But I really shouldn't be keeping you. I'm sure there are other patients that need your help." And with that I bowed just before he turned and headed to another patient a few doors down.

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