Chapter 2: The Gift Ceremony

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Manuel's POV:
Later that night, I arrived with my father to the home of the Madrigals. I knew the whole town would be here tonight to celebrate Antonio finally receiving his gift, but I was really here because I hoped to see Mirabel.

I suppose it was no secret to anyone that I had a crush on her, and I didn't exactly try to hide it either. But for whatever reason she didn't seem to notice.

I began to worry she didn't like me, that I might've been annoying her. But even so I never said anything to her. The truth is, I was scared to tell her how I truly felt about her, for fear of being rejected.

She was so beautiful, both inside and out. She had one of the kindest hearts I'd ever known, and even though she hadn't been blessed with a magical gift, she was still one of a kind.

The house was decorated in beautiful flowers and candles, no doubt the meticulous work of Mirabel's older sister Isabela and the rest of her gifted family.

The sight was beautiful to say the least, but everyone was already crowded near the staircase as they waited for the ceremony to begin.

Mirabel stood off to the side, smiling softly as Antonio began the walk towards his door, which would light up the moment he received his gift.

But the boy was terrified, hands shaking as he looked at his older cousin, silently pleading with her for her help. "Come with me," he whispered. But the rules stated that no other member of the family could accompany the gifted to their door.

"I can't," Mirabel whispered.

"I need you!" Antonio pleaded.

Mirabel sighed heavily, ignoring the gasps as she appeared at her cousin's side, ready to escort him down the aisle where his Abuela was waiting, magical candle in hand, to christen him.

"Many years ago, this candle blessed our family with a miracle.. our house, our casita, came to life with magic!" the older woman cheered. "In time, every member of our family was given their own magical gift."

The whole town was on the edge of their seats as we all watched Antonio reach for the doorknob. A flock of birds appeared, chirping loudly as Antonio leaned in to listen. "Uh huh, uh huh. I understand you!" the boy cheered, interacting with the various animals around him.

And just like that, Antonio's gift had been cemented, causing the door before him to light up in gold as the townspeople cheered and his family let out a collective sigh of relief.

A family photo was taken, and the ceremony was over. "The magic is strong.. and so are the drinks!" Abuela cheered with a laugh as she ushered all of the guests into the backyard for the party.

But I stayed behind, waiting for Mirabel. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked nervously as I saw her saddened face. "I saw what you did for Antonio.. that was really sweet of you."

"Yeah, I'm fine," she muttered. "It's just that.."

I sighed. "Mirabel, what is it? You know you can tell me anything," I whispered, hugging her softly.

Reluctantly, she finally returned the hug. "It's just that I'm the only Madrigal kid without a gift.. and, I don't know.. I guess I feel kinda left out," she muttered. "I've spent years waiting on a miracle, and I'm worried I'm too late."

"Hey.. gift or no gift, you're just as special as the rest of your family," I said proudly. "You do know that, don't you?"

"I guess, but sometimes it feels like I'm still at that door.. just waiting on a miracle," she whispered.

"I know how you feel. But Mirabel, you have to listen to me, okay? You are extraordinary, and you don't need some magical gift to prove that. What matters is that you're you.. you're kind and compassionate, and most importantly you care about others.. and in my eyes that's enough."

She blushed softly. "You mean.. you really believe that?" she asked nervously. "You really think I'm special?"

I nodded slowly. "And beautiful," I whispered.

She blushed once again, looking down at her feet. "Well.. I should probably go," she muttered. "I'm sure my family is waiting for me."

I nodded. "Well at least let me accompany you," I said. "I'm sure my father is looking for me as well." I reached for hand without thinking, and she blushed.

"Oh.. I'm sorry. Is this okay?" I asked nervously.

She nodded slowly, giving my hand a gentle squeeze in return to let me know it was okay. "It's perfect."

Mirabel's Miracle (Mirabel x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now