Chapter 11: Young Love

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Mirabel's POV:
The smile never left my face as I settled in for bed that night, the feeling of his soft lips on mine now forever burned into my memory, and I soon found myself hoping it wouldn't be the last.

But I should've known my dreamlike feeling of bliss wouldn't last forever, however, for the second I came downstairs for breakfast, Abuela had already started grilling me about my date with Manuel.

"Back off, Abuela," Luisa protested, wrapping a protective arm around my shoulders. "I'm sure Mirabel will tell us all about her date when she's ready."

I smiled softly. "Thanks Luisa," I whispered.

She nodded slowly. "No problem. You're my little sister. I'll always have your back."

But Abuela just chose to ignore this, turning her attention back to me as she spoke.

"Mirabel, after breakfast I need you to go in town to pick up a few things before Isabela's proposal dinner tonight," she said. "And please remember.. everything must be perfect."

I nodded slowly. "Yes, Abuela," I muttered, pushing back from my place at the table and going back upstairs to my room to get dressed for the day.

Of course everyone could see the happiness that was practically radiating from me as I danced through the town square, and I could hear the townspeople laughing softly to themselves as I walked past.

"It's because of Manuel, isn't it?" Señor Morino asked as I stopped by the bakery to pick up the cake for tonight.

I nodded slowly, blushing as I spoke. "Yes.. I had the most amazing time with him last night.. everything was absolutely perfect!"

The baker smiled softly as he worked diligently on frosting the cake. "You know I helped him plan it right?" he asked.

My eyes widened. "You did?"

Just then, the door to the bakery swung open once again, and in walked Manuel.

"Of course! Everyone did, actually," he chuckled. "It kinda seems like the entire town is rooting for us or something.."

"Of course we are!" Señor Morino piped up. "Who are we to stand in the way of young love?"

I giggled softly as Manuel suddenly pulled me against him, swaying us back and forth to nothing.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a laugh.

"Dancing with you," he replied innocently. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"But there's no music playing.." I chuckled.

"So what? Who says you need music to dance?"

I rolled my eyes playfully, finally giving into him as he spun me along the bakery floor, whispering softly against my hair.

We just stayed like that for a while, swaying together to absolutely nothing, our minds thinking of nothing but each other.. and it was absolutely perfect.

But of course I knew it couldn't last forever..

Manuel's POV:
I couldn't help but smile as I held her against me, seeing her smile and hearing her laugh as I spun her around the small corner bakery.

God, she was so beautiful.

I could already feel myself falling more and more in love with her by the minute, and I knew she felt the exact same way.

Señor Morino cleared his throat lightly. "As much as I hate to interrupt this incredibly sweet moment," he chuckled, gesturing to us. "Shouldn't you be heading back to help set up for Isabela's engagement, Mirabel?"

She nodded slowly. "I suppose you're right.." she muttered. "Thanks for the cake, Señor Morino. Abuela's going to love it!"

He smiled softly. "Anytime, kiddo."

"Can I help you carry that?" I asked, gesturing to the cake. "It looks kinda heavy."

She nodded. "Thanks. I have a few more decorations to get before we head home though.."

I shook my head. "No problem. I can wait right here if you want," I offered.

She nodded once again, smiling softly as she kissed my cheek. "Thank you."

I smiled shyly. "It's no problem really. I'm always happy to help!"

At last.. for once in my life, I felt truly at peace.

"I love you, Manuel," she whispered softly before leaving to get the last of the decorations.

"I love you too, mi vida.. always."

Mirabel's Miracle (Mirabel x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now