Chapter 9: The Morning After

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Manuel's POV:
I woke up the next morning to the sound of Mirabel's soft snoring as she slept peacefully in my arms.

Still in her everyday outfit, as she was far too embarrassed to change into her pajamas with me still in the room, she still looked absolutely beautiful.

Her short black curls created sort of a messy halo around her head as she snuggled into my chest, arms wrapped around me protectively in her sleep. It was almost as if she was afraid I might disappear.

I instinctively allowed my hand to draw small patterns on her upper arm, pulling her even closer to my body as she slept, trying my best not to wake her.

"Good morning, mi vida.." I whispered softly, feeling her sir a few moments later.

"Mm.. morning," she mumbled sleepily.

But her eyes shot open as she sat up in fear, a panicked look crossing her face.

"Oh my god! What happened last night?" she asked nervously. "Why are you in my bed? Did we.. oh my god! I can't believe this. Abuela's gonna kill me!"

I chuckled softly. "Relax, mi vida," I whispered. "Nothing happened. You just asked me to stay with you last night after what happened with your tio Bruno's last vision.. you said you were scared to be alone, and I didn't want to leave you."

"So nothing else happened then?" she asked. "You mean we didn't sleep together or anything?"

I shook my head. "No. Well, I mean.. we did sleep together.. in the same bed, but not like that," I laughed. "You wouldn't even change into your pajamas because you were still nervous about getting undressed in front of me, which I totally understand. Nothing happened, okay? Just trust me."

She nodded slowly. "Okay. Thank you, Manuel. For staying with me, I mean."

"It was no problem, really.. but I'm afraid I should probably get going. I still need to help papa with his daily deliveries."

She nodded. "Okay. I guess I'll see you later, then. Although.. you should probably sneak out the window so no one suspects anything.."

I nodded slowly. "Alright. See you later, Mirabel."

Mirabel's POV:
After Manuel had left, I scrambled to my feet, desperately hoping that no one in the family knew about him staying here last night.

I knew that if Abuela found out he'd stayed over, she'd probably lose her mind, assuming the absolute worst possible scenario in her head.

Sure, we didn't really sleep together, and I guess we both knew that. But Abuela didn't. And if she ever found out that Manuel spent the night in my bed.. well, I knew that'd be the end of it. She'd never allow me to see him again.

But I should've known Dolores had been listening.

"I know what happened last night with you and Manuel," she said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Nothing happened at all last night."

"Maybe nothing physical.." she whispered. "But I know you two slept together in your bed, and I know about Bruno's vision."

I gulped nervously. I should've known she'd find out somehow. I mean, she's the only one in this family who hears everything. It was honestly foolish of me to think I could keep this hidden from her, but I prayed she wouldn't tell Abuela about what happened last night.

Just then, my phone rang, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked at the number, and sighed with relief. It was only Manuel.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Mirabel! Hey! I wasn't too sure you'd answer. Listen, uh.. I just wanted to say thank you again for last night, and I was wondering if you I don't know.. maybe wanted to go out sometime?"

I blushed softly. "Of course. When were you thinking?" I asked.

"Does tonight work? I was thinking maybe we could have a picnic by the river or something.."

I smiled sheepishly, trying my hardest not to blush again, this time in front of the whole family. "Yeah. Tonight sounds perfect," I whispered.

"Okay, sounds good. I guess I'll see you later, then."

"Alright, see you later.. bye."

"And just where do you think you're going?" Abuela asked suddenly. "I hope you're not thinking of sneaking off to meet up with that boy again.."

"There's a boy?" my mother asked. "Oh, mi vida.. why didn't you just tell me?"

I blushed. "He's just a friend, Mama. I promise."

"Well he certainly doesn't seem like just a friend," Abuela countered. "What, with the way you're blushing and all.."

"Mama, please.." my mother whispered. "What's his name, sweetheart?"

"Manuel.." I whispered. "His name is Manuel. And I tried not to say anything in front of Abuela, because I know she disapproves of him, but the truth is.. I really like him."

"Well, I say follow your heart," Luisa said. "No matter what anyone else says or thinks."

I smiled softly. "Thanks, Luisa."

"And I suppose that was him you were talking to on the phone a moment ago?" Abuela asked.

I nodded. "As a matter of fact, yes. And if you must know, he asked me on a date. Tonight. And I'm going."

"No you're not," Abuela said. "I will not have this boy in my house again. I think he's a bad influence, and besides, Mirabel.. you're only 15. You're far too young for boys anyway."

"No, Abuela. You're wrong. Manuel just so happens to be one of the sweetest, kindest, most well mannered person I've met," Luisa said. "He's the delivery man's son, and is a very hard working boy indeed. And if he makes Mirabel happy, then who are we to stand in her way? So not only is she going on her first date wether you like it or not, but I'm also going to help her prepare. And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

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