Chapter 7: Bruno's Vision

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Mirabel's POV:
Following Luisa's suggestion, I snuck up to Bruno's tower late one night after everyone else had gone to bed. I had to find out what was wrong with casita.

The door creaked open with a single push as I let myself inside. You could almost tell the room itself had been abandoned for quite some time now, as it was completely empty aside from the constant flow of sand.

"Casita?" I asked nervously. "Can you.. turn off the sand?"

The tiles just outside the door began to move, which was casita's own special way of communicating. But the movement stopped just outside the door, almost as if it was stuck.

"You can't help in here?" I asked, earning only the nervous creaking of the tiles in response. It almost served as a warning not to go on, but I had to figure out what was happening, and if anyone in the family would know.. I knew it had to be Bruno.

"I'll be fine," I whispered. "I have to do this. For you, for Abuela.. maybe a little for me."

Taking a deep breath, I began the long trek to the top of Bruno's tower. The stairs, of which there were many, were old and creaky. But I knew I had to keep going.

"Bruno! Your room is the worst!" I shouted in frustration, though I knew no one could hear me.

Once I'd finally reached the top, I realized that like most of the room, the floor was covered with sand. But there was also something out of the ordinary, something different.. something unknown.

Hidden beneath the sand and dust, something was glowing an eerily green color.. something that looked like broken glass.

Countless vision boards lined the walls, each one emitting the same green glow.

So that's where the vision is.. I thought to myself as I started to dig through the layers of dust and sand. Picking up piece after piece of broken glass,  I began to put them together.. or at least I tried to.

"What's hurting the magic?" I asked myself as I began putting the pieces of his vision back together.

But nothing could've prepared me for what I saw through the glass. "It's me?"

But just as I was about to search for the rest of the vision, I heard something terrible. And in an instant, various heaps of stone came crashing down around me. I knew I had to hurry.

I must've made it out just in time, because after shoving the rest of Bruno's vision into my bag, I broke out into an exasperated run.

I was so busy trying to escape that I wasn't looking where I was going, causing me to run into Abuela.

"Where are you coming from in such a hurry?" she asked nervously. "And what is in your hair?"

But before I could say anything, Luisa came running upstairs, tears in her eyes. "I'm losing my gift!" she cried.

"What?" Abuela asked.

"Mirabel and I were having this little talk about me carrying so much, and so I tried not to carry so much but then I realized it was putting me behind, and so I was grabbing all the donkeys, but when I went to throw the donkeys in the barn, they were.. HEAVY!"

"What did you say to her?" Abuela asked me.

"Nothing!" I protested.

She sighed heavily. "Just.. stay away from Luisa until I can talk to her okay? And whatever you're doing.. stop doing it! The Guzmáns are coming over tonight for Isabela's proposal dinner, and everything has to go perfectly."

I nodded slowly, gulping nervously as I ran into my room, desperately trying to put the pieces of Bruno's vision back together. I had to know what was going on. "Why am I in your vision, Bruno?" I whispered.

But before I was able to figure it out, Tia Pepa had burst into my room, a heavy cloud looming over her head.

"Tia! Jeez, you scared me!" I gasped.

"Sorry.. sorry. I just came to get the rest of Antonio's things, and then I heard the name we don't speak," she whispered.

"Tia Pepa? If Bruno.. I mean, if he had a vision about someone.. what would it mean?" I asked nervously.

"We don't talk about Bruno," she warned.

"I know, but hypothetically speaking, if he had a vision about someone in the family.. what would it mean? Was it good, or bad?"

"It was horrible!" Tio Felix said.

"Felix!" Tia yelled.

"She needs to know," he protested.

"We don't talk about Bruno!"

But tio Felix only ignored her. "He would see something terrible, and then bang! It would happen," he warned.

"But what if you didn't know what he saw?" I asked nervously.

"Then you'd better figure it out," he warned. "Because it was coming for you."

And that's when it all made sense.. if I was in Bruno's vision, it meant that something bad was about to happen, and that we were all in trouble.

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