Chapter 4: I Think I'm In Love

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Manuel's POV:
I couldn't stop thinking about her. She'd captivated every part of my subconscious without even knowing it, and as a result I was now always dreaming of her.

Anyone could see that I was falling in love, well everyone except Mirabel herself. It broke my heart knowing that she had no idea how I felt about her, but I knew I was too shy to actually tell her.

I couldn't stop myself watching as she danced along the path, humming the tune to some cheesy love song I'd never heard before. In my eyes, she was nothing less than perfect.

If I could tell her, tell her everything I see.. if I could tell her how she's everything to me. But we're a million worlds apart, and I don't know how I would even start. If I could tell her..

"Hello! Earth to Manuel!" my father suddenly shouted, bringing me out of my trance. "Would you mind getting your head out of the clouds? We've got a lot of work to do today."

I nodded slowly, trying my best to get the image of Mirabel dancing out of my head. But I should have known it'd be totally hopeless. I couldn't escape her.

Mirabel's POV:
"Casita, help me out. Drawers! Floors! Doors! Let's go!" I cheered, grabbing my bag and slipping outside before Abuela or anyone else had the chance to stop me.

I knew she didn't like me going off into town by myself, but this was the only way I could see Manuel without the rest of the family knowing. So each day, I'd sneak off to the market in hopes of spending time with him.

I was in love, and I suppose there was no denying it, as everyone in town could see the way I acted whenever I was around him.

Everyone, of course.. except for Manuel himself.

"Buenos dias Mirabel!" the baker greeted me with a smile as always, handing me a freshly baked croissant.

"Hola Señor Morino! Has Manuel come by yet?" I asked hopefully. I knew he always stopped by the bakery on his way to help his dad with the deliveries, and it had quickly become our meeting place.

The baker only laughed, shaking his head. "Not yet. Shall I tell him you're looking for him perhaps?"

I nodded. "Si, por favor. Gracias, Señor Morino!" I said quickly before running off in search of Manuel.

I wandered aimlessly through the town square as I looked for him. But he was nowhere to be found, and I was beginning to worry. No one in town had seen him either.

"I'm sure he's fine," Señor Morino said. "He's probably just busy helping his father with his deliveries as usual."

I nodded slowly, knowing he was probably right. Or at least.. I hoped he was..

Manuel's POV:
After my father and I had finished all today's deliveries, I walked through the town square in search of Mirabel. It had gotten late, and I was worried that she'd already gone home.

But as I passed by the bakery on my way to casa Madrigal, I saw her inside talking to Señor Morino.

"Mirabel! Hi!" I exclaimed. "I'm so sorry I know we were supposed to hang out today but I was busy helping my dad with deliveries. I guess I forgot to tell you."

"No worries," she whispered.

"Well, I'm free now. I was thinking maybe we could go for a picnic under the stars or something?"

She sighed. "As lovely as that sounds, I should probably head back. Abuela's probably looking for me," she said. "Can I take a rain check?"

I frowned lightly, but nodded nonetheless. "Oh yeah.. of course," I muttered. "Another time then. But can I at least walk you home? It's getting awful late.."

She nodded. "Sure. I'd like that," she whispered, smiling softly as I took her hand in mine. And everything was perfect. Or so I thought..

Mirabel's POV:
"And just where have you been?" Abuela asked angrily the moment I stepped inside.

"I was out.. with a friend," I said. I knew I couldn't tell her about Manuel.. she'd think I was abandoning the family.

"Just with a friend?" she asked. "Are you sure you weren't sneaking around with the delivery man's son, Manuel?"

My eyes widened the moment the words left her mouth. I don't know how she found out, but somehow she now knew the truth.

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