Chapter 3: Farmer's Market

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Mirabel's POV:
The morning after Antonio's gift ceremony, Abuela had sent me into town once again, this time to buy groceries for the family.

Everyone in town was still gushing over Antonio's amazing gift, and I'd be lying to say I wasn't impressed. The ability to talk to and understand animals was something none of us had ever seen before, and it was truly remarkable.

But there was something about what happened after the ceremony.. the things Manuel had said gave me butterflies in my stomach. I wondered if he truly meant it. But I guess he had no reason to lie.

As I walked into town that morning, I quickly found myself secretly hoping I'd see him again, and just the possibility of seeing him had given me butterflies in my stomach. I'd never felt this way about anyone.

The townspeople greeted me as usual, all smiling as I walked past them. The vibrant sound of music filled the city streets, the sound of children singing could be heard from miles around.

This made me smile as I walked towards the town square, where dozens of vendors were already set up for the weekly farmer's market. I had a few things on my list to pick up before I could call it a day, so I decided to just wander aimlessly through the rows of fresh fruits and vegetables.

But then I heard someone singing a song I'd never heard before, and immediately recognized the voice as Manuel's. He strolled leisurely towards me, MP3 player in hand as the earbuds hung from his ears.

He whistled along with the tune playing in his ears as he approached me, spinning me around as he sang. "This is the life, bo-bo, bo-bo, bo.. Bohemia!" he chuckled. He looked so adorable.

I tried my best not to laugh, but lost my composure completely as he continued in his silly song, before finally pulling the earbuds from his ears as he turned to look at me. "So.. what did you think?"

"What even was that?" I asked, trying desperately to hold back my laughter. But I ultimately failed, doubling over and bursting into a fit of giggles.

"My favorite song.. Boho Days by Jonathan Larson. It's from a musical called Tick, Tick.. Boom!" he exclaimed happily.

"It's kinda silly," I laughed.

He chuckled softly. "Yeah.. that's kinda the point," he said. "I really like it though, it makes me laugh. Although dad doesn't like it when I sing around the house.."

"Well, I think it's cute," I whispered. "I didn't know you were into musical theater and stuff like that. Although.. I don't think I've ever heard of that one before."

"It's kinda new," he said. "It first premiered on Broadway back in May. I hope to go see it someday."

"Well, what's stopping you?" I asked.

He sighed heavily. "Well, you see.. Broadway it's.. it's in a place called New York, which is in America. I don't think my dad would be too pleased with me traveling to another country by myself, and he's made it perfectly clear that he's not coming with me anytime soon."

"Oh.. I'm sorry. I didn't know," I muttered.

He shook his head. "It's okay. I'm not upset. I just kinda wish I could go, but it's okay," he whispered. "Maybe I'll get to go someday."

"Would you mind if I went with you?" I asked.

He nodded, smiling brightly. "Yeah! I'd like that." His smile could light up a room as he reached for my hand once again. "Dance with me?"

I nodded slowly, taking his hand and letting him spin me along the path. The townspeople seemed to watch in awe as we danced, Manuel singing at the top of his lungs while I tried to hide my giggles.

A few hours later...
I could hear Abuela calling for me in the distance and I guess I hadn't realized how late it had gotten. What seemed like only a few moments had actually turned into a few hours, and it was now starting to get dark.

"I should probably go.. it's getting late," I whispered.

Manuel nodded. "Yeah, I should probably go too. My MP3 player is probably dead by now anyway," he laughed. "But this was fun. Maybe we can do it again sometime."

I nodded. "Of course! I'll see you soon," I whispered, kissing his cheek.

I could see him blushing as I ran off, which made me smile. The butterflies in my stomach only got worse and I knew what was happening.. I was falling in love.

Manuel's POV:
I watched to make sure she made it home safely before tucking my MP3 player back into my pocket and making my own way home, the smile never once leaving my face. I didn't quite understand what was happening, but I knew one thing for certain.

Mirabel Madrigal was truly a girl like no other.

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