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The next day I sat at the kitchen island with my phone on the counter top. Steve sat besides me waiting for me to pick it up.

"We don't have a choice." He persisted. He wanted me to call this doctor Bruce suggested.

"We always have a choice." He gave me an annoyed look, I got that look a lot.

"Okay, okay." I surrendered putting my hands up. I picked up the phone and dialed the number Bruce had written down for me. Steve leaned over and kissed my shoulder as I listened to the dial tones.

"Hello Dr. Freeman? Hi my name is," I looked over at Steve who nodded for me to go on. "Anna Rogers." Steve smiled and shook his head at my name, which still wasn't legally mine.

"I was suggested to you by Dr. Banner. I wondered if you had an appointment available?"

"I am currently in Los Angeles for a conference this week. But I could maybe meet with you in a few weeks." She informed me.

I covered the phone with my hand and mouthed, "a couple weeks," to Steve. Steve shrugged his shoulders. Did we have a few weeks? What if something happened?

"When is your next available time?" I quickly asked her

"Two and a half weeks from now. At 1:00. My office is in Nashville."

"Actually, I think you'll find my case...special. Is there anyway you can come up to New York?"

"Mrs. Rogers, I have other patients I need to take care of. I can't just fly to New York for you." She said to me, and I understood. I did, but at the same time, I was two seconds away from freaking out.

"Let me have Dr. Banner get in touch with you. Call me back after you hear from him."

"Okay," she agreed very reluctantly. I don't think she knew what exactly she was dealing with. I hung up the phone and let out a sigh.

"Whens the appointment?" Steve asked.

"I didn't make one. Her office is in Nashville, and I wasn't able to get her to come up here."

"We can go down to Nashville, it's a short plane ride."

"No. We're having the appointment somewhere secret, and somewhere secure. I don't want anyone to know." That was one rule I had about everything. No one could know, until it was absolutely necessary.

"Okay," Steve agreed kissing my forehead. "You're so tense." He teased bringing out a smile from me.

"Don't I have a good reason to be?"

"Try just enjoying this moment," I looked up at him.

"I am happy." I took his hand in mine. "I'm very happy, I'm just scared. I can't relax yet."

"I know, I'm having a hard time taking a deep breath too." He admitted to me. I stood up facing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"We can do this." I said sharing a smile with him.

"Can't be harder than fighting an alien army."

"Or a terrorist organization in your own agency."

"Or a crazed man with a Red Skull." I laughed a little, as we started to sway back and fourth.

"You know my birthday is coming up," I brought up with a mischievous smile.

Steve rolled his eyes, but had a happy amused look. "In a couple of months."

"I'm giving you time to think about it."

"Think about what?" He asked twirling me around.

"My birthday present." I replied eliciting a chuckle from him.

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