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Early the next morning, I walked down to the gym to start working out. I woke up around three unable to go back to sleep, so I thought I might as well start. I like to start slow with yoga and stretching. Then I like slowly warm up with cardio and weights. Then I move into fight training.

Maria came down to the gym, as I was taking a short break. She looked at how sweaty I was and asked me when I started. I just shrugged. Maria never took any bullshit, but I'm always grateful to be the bullshit she does accept.

Maria started to stretch out her legs. She finally stood up and faced me. "Do you want a partner?" She asked inviting me to spar with her.

I smiled and nodded my head. "I would love one."

Maria stretched some more and we both prepared to spar. It had been such a long time since I had fought someone. I was pretty excited to get back into the ring. I faced Maria bouncing around.

"You're too excited for this." She stated with a small smile.

"It's been awhile, don't go easy."

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it."

She waved at me to come at her. I ran up, and ducked under her punch. I grabbed her arm, and elbowed her in the head. She twisted our feet together until I tripped. Using my momentum she flipped me down. I rolled off the floor quickly. Coming back to my feet I tried to kick her. She ducked. I spun almost kicking her. She rolled under, coming to her feet right in front of me. She pushed me back. I grabbed her fist twisting it. I punched her in the stomach. She doubled over. I flipped her over and put a knee to her neck. She tapped out.

"I can't believe I won." I panted helping her up. Maria was not an easy win by any means.

"Don't get too confident." She playfully warned wiping the sweat off her forehead.

This time it was her turn to start. She went to punch me in the face. I ducked under kicking her legs from under her. She fell, but tucked her legs around my head flipping me over her. I rolled into the flip and got up. Spinning around, she was already up. I tried to jab her in the side. She blocked my next couple hits. I finally got quick enough I landed one. She ducked and tackled me. I fell, she rolled me over until I tapped out.

"Told you, you shouldn't be so confident."

"Trust me I'm not." I grunted getting a drink. We went a couple more rounds. I actually beat Maria more times than she beat me, which made me happy. It meant I was getting better. My body hadn't forgotten how to fight. That was something I could still get right.

"I'm not too bad." I breathed out sitting down after a round.

"No," Maria agreed out of breath. "The leg slows you, but not enough to be worried about it too much. You just have to work on the fluidity of your movements."

"I'll never be as good as Nat when it comes to that, but yeah. Some more practice will get me there."

"You really are doing amazingly well for what happened to you." Maria complimented. "That was my last round I'm too tired to even move."

"Did I tire you out?"

"I have no idea how you are even moving right now." All I was doing was unwrapping my hands.

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