✦ chapter four

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you're not the type to hold me down through the year , i'll be your baby doll and your bodyguard if you tell me to
, i'll try to make it all not as hard if you let me through ❜ — peach, kevin abstract

❛you're not the type to hold me down through the year , i'll be your baby doll and your bodyguard if you tell me to, i'll try to make it all not as hard if you let me through ❜ — peach, kevin abstract

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YOUR FINGERS GRAZED along your spine, elbow bent and face contorted in dismay. The wintry shiver that ghosted along your back (from that strange night) has made its return. You hope it's nothing damaging. You closed your eyes for a moment, a shallow breath released as you mumbled to yourself, "Shit..I might be thinking too hard now."

The end of your first day of being a producer crept closely. You consider it a merciful start for a restless job. After finishing basic paperwork and accounting the duties in your agenda, you now sat at an empty desk in Starpro. You examines the small map of ensemble square through the app— Hall Hands. The building on the exterior was already breathtaking, but the interior guide was perplexing. Signs and numbers scattered, though it was so clearly meant to be taken with utmost professionalism.

In any case, there was one place, one certain background that laid curious at the back of your head.

The floating garden.

It wasn't a difficult find. It's located on the 12th floor between the buildings, but Anzu had messaged you that there are surprisingly long and short ways to get to the place: no matter where one is. So you're determined to figure it out on your own. However, your occupied mind was no longer busied with the tempting desire to find a shortcut when a brief tap on your shoulder tensed you up. You looked alarmingly behind your shoulder with a quiet gasp.

"Uhm...excuse me. Do you need any directions?"

Silky, light blue hair going past his chin as he tilted his head, Hajime smiled amusingly. His doe, bright lilac eyes and his sound of a courteous, melting snowflake ripped out another gasp from you. This time, one of adoration. "S-shino, oh and Mashiro...!"

"Good after— I mean, good evening, producer." Tomoya waved besides Hajime. You're sure there was an obvious dream-like glistening in your features by now as the boys smiled at her with fascination.

"Ah." Hajime's smile widened, "yes, that's us! And you must be ra*bits' new producer." You stood straight again and held out a hand. You slid herself off your seat to shake his hand.

'What a grip'.

"Mhm. An honor, really." You nod once. Hajime retreated his hand, a mutual satisfaction of being recognized lingering between the two of you. Something Tomoya hadn't picked up as he exchanged handshakes with you.

"I'm happy we got to meet you first." Hajime clasped his hands together, "we saw you reading the map all focused, so we were wondering if there's anything we can help you find."

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