chapter eleven part four

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I watched as the fairies got to work on making my hammock bed. They were fast little buggers thou I'll tell you that. Every time I would finally understand what one of them was doing another one had finished what their were doing and starting something else. But after about ten minutes they were finished stitching my hammock together. They flew it too a tree and started to attach it, I couldn't see how they were doing it so I could only hope it would be stable. When one part of the hammock was attached to the one trey the fairies flew to the tree opposite and got to work attaching the other part of the hammock.

When they flew away from the tree I could see my hammock hanging there, swaying in the soft wind. "Oh thank you" I said, excitedly. Luckily enough for me they didn't make it too high up in the tree, so if I did happen to fall I wouldn't hurt myself to badly. "Your welcome miss" A fairy who's name I do not know said, a smile on his face.

I just smiled at him in return and watched as he flew away. "Are you tired my child?" the chief asked me, hovering above my shoulder. I didn't even notice she was there until she spoke. "Yes, I'm shattered" I admitted, embarrassed. I know I shouldn't be embarrassed but for some reason I am. "Then you shall go to sleep for a while" she said, a smile upon her small face. "Thank you" I thanked her, returning er smile.

She just nodded at me then flew away. I had to climb the tree a little to get into my new hammock, but it wasn't hard. My body's a lot stronger than it used to be. As I got into the hammock it swayed side to side, scaring the living poop out of me. I could hear it making stretching noises as it adjusted to my weight, but thank the lord it held. It didn't even tare a little. And it was surprisingly comfortable, considering it had no padding. It was so comfortable that within a matter of minutes I was asleep.

But of course my mind didn't sleep, instead I had a visit from a relieved looking Angel. "Oh Liza" she said, running up to me. She threw her arms around me, hugging me close. "Whats the matter?" I asked, worried. What if something's happened to my mom? or Damen?. "I couldn't find you last night, we were all so worried" she admitted as she pulled out of the hug, tears falling down her face.

 "Oh I'm sorry little one" I said, pulling her close to me to get her to stop crying. "Where were you?" she asked as her tears finally started to stop. "I escaped from Lianna, I spent the whole night running away" I admitted, a smile on my face. I didn't actually think I would be able to do it, but here I was. Free of the evil bitch who thought she was my mom. "So your away from her" Angel asked me, hope in her voice. 

"Yeah, I'm with some fairy's" I admitted, smiling at her as I stroked her hair in a soothing gesture. "So you can come home?" she asked, exited. I looked at her face, wanting to say yes. But I couldn't. "No baby, not yet" I admitted, feeling sad now myself.  "But why?" she asked, pain visible in her facial features. "If Lianna finds out I've gone back home, she will be very angry" I admitted, trying not to scare her tho I didn't mention Lianna would kill everyone in the mansion and then most likely me too.

"We can hide you" she said, sounding less like a child and more like an adult. "That wont work my sweet" I said, getting more and more down myself. "Why wont it? I know that we can hide you from her. Stop her from being able to get into the mansion as well" she said in a desperate panicked voice. Seeing her look so desperate made me more sad. I mean I didn't really know this girl, but she wanted me to go back home. She worried about me and comes to visit me. Just knowing that I'm causing pain to someone that does everything for me but who I do nothing for but in return made me sad.

"I only have to stay here for a month or so, then hopefully Lianna will get bored and I can come home" I promised her, hoping she would be less sad. "A month is a long time" she said, still looking heart broken. "You can come and see me every night thou, so for you it wont be too long" I said, hoping it would make her smile. "But Damen, your mom and Anthony miss you too. There really sad" she explained.

"I miss them too baby, I really do" I admitted, wiping a tear from my eye that I didn't even know was there. "I'll tell them, they will be glad to know that your safe" she said, smiling for the first time since I refused to go home. "Tell them that I love them?" I asked, knowing she would. "Yeah, of course I will" she said. "Do you have to go now?" I asked, not wanting her to leave. "No not yet, but if I stay I cant show them this dream until tomorrow night" she admitted. I didn't mind that so much, not as long as she could tell them I was safe.

"That's fine, but can you tell them that I'm safe when you wake up?" I asked, smiling at her. "Yeah" she agreed, smiling back. We spent the rest of the dream playing and talking about random stuff.  We played I spy, witch was cool because in this dream world all's I had to do was think of a place or an object and it would appear. So we could literally I spy everything. I  suppose you can call it cheating but it was fun.

Angel kept thinking up things like unicorns and pink puppy's, so it was easy to guess at her spy's. But I kept thinking up stuff like books and fish. Random things really, so she couldn't guess. But eventually she admitted she had to go back. "Liza, Its time for me to go now" she said, looking sad again. "Oh so soon?" I asked, not wanting her to go just yet. "Yeah, I'm sorry" she apologised to me. "Its fine, but you will come back and visit me soon wont you?" I asked, panicking just in case she didn't.

"Yeah, not tonight thou. Tonight I'm going to show Damen this dream" she explained, making me smile again. "Oh yeah, please will you tell him that I love him" I begged. "Tell him yourself" she said with a smile on her face. "I love you Damen, more than you could ever know. And I will see you soon" I said to Angel with a smile spread across my face. Knowing that she would show him for me tomorrow night.

"Good bye Liza, i'll see you soon" Angel promised me with a smile on her face. "Good bye sweet" I said beck as she started to fade away, leaving nothing behind. No light or anything, just pitch black nothingness.

I woke up not long after Angel left, to a buzzing camp. Every fairy in sight was buzzing around doing this and that. "Whats up?" I asked a fairy as I climbed out my hammock and down the tree. "Lianna is heading a search party for you" the fairy replied, looking scared. "What?" I asked, now scared myself. I've only just managed to get away from her and that creepy castle, there's no way I can go back.

"The chief wants to see you so she will explain" she said then flew away to help all the other fairies. I didn't waste any time in finding out what was going on, I walked straight over to the cheif's hut. "Hello" I called out, hoping she was in and could hear me. Luckily enough she was and she emerged from her tent, a worried look on her face. "Ah Liza, your awake" She said, trying to force a smile on her face. 

"Whats happening?" I asked her, not bothering to beat around the bush. "Lianna has heard that you are still in the forest, so she has assembled a search party to search for you" she explained, a sympathetic yet scared look on her face. "Then I've got to go" I said, standing up. "No, she will find you" the chief said. "She will find me no matter what, If I stay here thou all of you will be in danger" I argued, needing her to understand. "That doesn't matter, what matters is you survive" she said back to me.

"Why? I'm just one person. I cant let hundreds of fairies risk there lives just so I can live" I admitted. They have only been nice to me since I came here, there is no way that I'm going to let them die for me. "Look, I know this is going to sound mad. But we have a fairy that knows things. She said that you are special, and one day the fate of the world will rest on your shoulders. We cant risk you dying now" she explained to me. What she said did sound mad, but after all that I have learned in the last few weeks, I believe her.

"So what do I do?" I asked, giving in.


Okay my pretties I'm going to leave it here tonight. I'm sorry I didn't upload last night. Ive just had a hell of a lot on my mind. so for the next two weeks I'm going to be a little preoccupied, so if I don't upload every night please don't be mad....:)

Comment, because I love to know what you think xXx

vote, because I wanna win the watty awards ahaha

and fan. Because every time I get a new fan it makes my day XD xXx

P.S I love you all xXx

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