Chocolate-part one

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Thank you to @LawsAngel for the chapter name, she came up with chololate and Defense Training but I prefered chocolate. What do you guys think?


They both looked at me, waiting for my input, I couldn't really talk with my mouth full of food so I just nodded my head to show them I agreed. When I finally swallowed my toast I asked,

"Who will I be fighting with?" looking at Damen. I knew I would never be able to take him, and that within seconds I would end up on my backside possibly covered in bruises.

"Well you wont be fighting anyone yet, first I will show you how to defend yourself In case you are ever attacked." He explained. I was happy about that because I never was one for fighting. Violence never solves anything.

After breakfast I decided to take a walk around the mansion, the only problem was that I didn't know my way around and I'm prone to getting lost.

"Anthony, is it okay if I take a look around the mantion?" I asked, hoping he would offer to show me around himself.

"Of course you can, this is your home too now. I would love to show you around myself but I'm afraid I have some business to attend to this morning. I'm sure that your mother or Damen would love to show you around though" He explained. I was bummed that he couldn't show me around because I knew he had all the answers to my questions. I wasn't quite ready to forgive my mom yet and i just knew that if she showed me around the mansion we would end up arguing. I turned to face Damen, giving him my biggest cheesiest smile.


Liza turned to face me, the sweetest biggest smile I've ever seen plastered on her face. I knew the only reason she wants me to show her around is because she still wasn't ready to forgive her mom and let her show her around. But I couldn't turn her down. For some reason ive felt a pull towards this girl since before I ever met her and all's I want to do is make her smile.

"Fine, lets go" I say smiling at her.

"Yay" she squeals, her smile widening.

I lead her out the back doors to show her the garden first. I know they say leave the best for last in her human world, but in mine the best is always first. And the gardens here are better than anything else i could show her, with all there varied colours and breeds of wild flowers. Statues of Greek god's and goddesses (our vampire versions of course) and ponds, lakes and trees. I knew she liked the gardens because her smile never once faltered but somehow managed to get even wider as I was showing her them. I could see tears come to her eyes, though her face didn't look sad.

"Are you okay Liza" I ask her, taking her arm and pulling her to a stop in front of me.

"Yeah, its just all so beautiful" She admitted, her face going red with embarrassment.

"You cry at beauty?" I asked a little confused. I didn't know that in her human realm people didn't have to be upset, scared or angry to cry.

"Yeah, I'm not used to seeing this kind of beauty. I'm from a city where there's more concrete than gardens, where there's so much pollution the few beautiful things that we do have are all dying" she admitted tuning to look me in the eye.

"Oh.....well I'm glad that I showed you these then" I admitted, wiping her tears away  with my hand. as my fingers brushed across the soft skin I felt a bolt of electricity run through my fingers and up my arm, leading all the way through my body. It wasn't a painful bolt of electricity but a warm sensual one. I saw her eyes widen when it happened. Does that mean she felt it to?

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