Magic-part two

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Sorry it took me so long to upload, Ive been busy the last couple of days, please let me know what you think. Comment and vote please

Thank you to @LawsAngel for the chapter name


We made it back to my room quicker than I thought possible but took no notice as I slumped down on my bed in exhaustion. I needed time to think about what I had learned today. It was all obviously true, but an insane truth at that. I was half expecting Ashton Kutcher to jump out and shout, "you got punk-ed" to me but the other half of me, the more practical half knew he wouldn't. I always knew I was different from everyone else I knew, today just confirmed it. I was about to lie down and have a nap when i noticed there was a note on my pillow.

"Liza, I'm so very sorry that we made you upset. I guessed that you would want to be alone for a while so I've had Helga put some clothes in your wardrobe. There are also fresh towels and toiletries in your bathroom. I would appreciate it if you came and see me when you are ready, Anthony."

I folded the note, putting it into my pocket. I was glad that I had clean clothes, mine were full of sweat. I walked over to my wardrobe, pulling back the heavy doors. My jaw dropped in surprise. It was full of silk, satin and velvet dressed, all in different colours. I pulled out a deep purple silk halterneck dress pulling it against my body. I looked in the mirror that was attached to one of the wardrobe doors.

The dress looked beautiful held up against me. (dress, The crystal gems embodied on the front bringing out my perfect completion. Sighing I hung the dress up on the wardrobe door. I grabbed the dressing gown that was hung up amongst the dresses, stripped of my clothes replacing them with the dressing gown.

I went in search of a bathroom, I would have killed for a shower. There were that many doors in the landing I didn't know which one to choose.

"Miss Liza, are you looking for something?" A woman asked, the same woman who went in search of my mother at breakfast.

"I'm looking for the bathroom" I admitted, pulling the dressing gownd tighter around me to make sure I was covered.

"Its through that door there" she said, pointing to a door to the right of mine.

Smiling I said "Thank you" she nodded and started to walk away.

"Excuse me" I called to her. She turned back towards me, smiling.

"Are you Helga?" I aske

"Yes Miss Liza" she said.

Smiling I said "Thank you for the dresses, there beautiful"

"Your quite welcome Miss Liza, I hope they fit well" she said bowing then walking away.

I hurried into the bathroom and locked the boor. It was a magnificent bathroom, The walls were bare brick, the floor made of pure black marble. The shower resembled a water fall, water spilling from six shower heads in the ceiling. There was what looked like a pure marble seat in the shower, the whole lot was in-cased by glass walls.

It felt good to let the refreshing hot water run down my face, there was an assortment of various exotic shower gels and shampoos for me to choose from. They all smelled so beautiful, leaving my skin and hair as soft as silk. When I was finishing i sat on the marble seat for a while letting my body soak up as much of the warm refreshing water as possible. I eventually shut the water of and headed back to my bedroom.


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              FAN_ I love having fans it makes me smile XD

              VOTE_ Ive entered this story in the watty awards so your votes will be appreciated :p

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