My new reality part three

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Please let me know what you think i should call this story, any suggestions help me.

There is swearing in this part. so count yourself as warned haha

Thank you to @LawsAngel for the name of the chapter

chapter one part 5


They all had the same thick black wavy hair as mine, there skin wasn't quite as pail as mine but beautiful non the less. I couldn't tell much else about them because they were all facing away from me looking at a laptop at the head of the table, lost in conversation. I noticed that my mother wasn't among them.

"Where is she?" I demanded turning to face Anthony. He walked over to the table, smiling. He gestured for me to follow him and take a seat. I sat at the bottom of the table as he took a seat at the top, closing the laptop.

"Wheres miss Hickman?" Anthony asked a woman who just entered the room.

"Shes just freshening up sir"She answered coming to a stop beside him.

"Would you fetch her for me please?" he asked.

"Of course sir" she answered, she bowed her head to him then left the room.

Anthony poured himself a glass of red wine then introduced me to everyone at the table.

"Liza, this is Sharn" he gestured to the woman closest to me.

"Hello Liza, pleased to meet you at long last"she said smiling. Sharn poured herself a glass of wine as Anthony introduced the next person.

"This is Sapphire" he said gesturing to the woman next to Sharn. Sapphire was just as beautiful as Sharn.

"Hello Liza, I hope your well" she said smiling.

Anthony gestured to a man on the other side of the table. "This is Antonio"

Antonio tilted his head to me and said "Hello Liza". He was shockingly handsome. His hair was quite long for a man but suited him well.

Anthony then gestured to the last person at the table, a man sitting next to Antonio.

"last but by no means least this is Damen."

Damen looked up to meet my gaze and took my breath away, his hair was Longer than Antonio's. His skin was much paler than I first thought, almost as pail as mine and lips as full and red as mine. But his eyes were his best feature, they were a deep purple as bold and beautiful as could be.

"Good morning Liza" he said. His voice was like music to my ears, I couldn't look away he was that beautiful. Anthony cleared his throat causing Damen to look away. I dropped my eyes to my hands, struggling to slow my beating heart.

Something in Damen kept me intrigued but I couldn't decide weather it was his mesmerising eyes, his sexy smile, cute little dimples or just him himself. I looked back up to the head of the table just as Damen was refusing some red wine. I did think it was unusual that they were drinking this early in the morning, I mean Anthony did say we were having breakfast. I didn't bother to ask why they were drinking, to be honest I didn't really care al's I wanted to know was where my mom was.

"So Liza, do you like your room?" Sapphire asked me, a polite smile on her face.

"Excuse me?" I asked, a little confused.

"Your bedroom, we all helped decorate it a little. I do hope it's to your liking" she said, still smiling.

This woman must be just as mad as Anthony or at least a little drunk from drinking wine. I was in a strange house, with god knows how many bonkers crazy people, who were clearly alcoholics. Well at least I knew Damen wasn't an Alcoholic. I didn't answer Sapphire because I honestly didn't know what to say. I didn't want to offend a possible psychopath, so I just smiled as nicely ass I could and looked back down at my hands.

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