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They walked down the tunnels of some weird airlock. They entered a desert and the door opening the airlock slammed shut.

"Great so we're alone, again!" Yaz points out while tossing a rock over to the side. "Can't believe we went through all that for nothing!" She huffed.

"Guys we got through Isla Nublar, a dinosaur infested island, we can get through anything. It's like Brooklyn said we're survivors!" Ben states.

Everyone sighs and slides down the smooth rock mountain.

Darius gave Ben a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Ben." Darius says.

Hours into trekking through the hot and dry desert, the group of teenagers had completely worn themselves of energy. They grew weary and desperate for rest.

Yaz was the slowest walking of anyone in the group which was unlike her usual quick self. Kenji of course took notice to this and fell back some to walk with Yaz.

"Hey, uh. Are you okay?" He asks her. She looked up at him, meeting his gaze. "Oh yeah I'm fine- alright- I'm alright." She gave a sad smile. Yaz isn't good with hiding her emotions but she is good at keeping to herself.

Kenji frowns to himself.

Why won't she tell me anything, why won't she open up. I know something's bothering her.

They finally stop searching as the day came to an end. They started a campfire with some hot sticks. All of them sat around the fire, legs bent, heads in their knees.

Kenji looks at Yaz. No matter how many times she says she okay those brown eyes will always tell another story. Her eyes tell it all.

He placed a hand in her shoulder, grabbing her attention. Pulling her out of her thoughts. He could see the glint of tears shimmer in her eyes.

He gave her a reassuring smile as she attempted to wipe the tears away before he could see them. Little does she know it's already to late. "Dont worry." He whispers to her, but suddenly his face distorted into a confused-worried frown.

She was sweating, and her breath got heavier and started to slow. Her eyes scattering all over the place. Her eyes closing and opening. Her heart beating faster and faster.

"Yaz?!" He whisper shouts in a panic.

She dropped back with a thud. He put his hand against her forehead, she's burning up. Running a dangerously high fever.

Damned heat, she's passed out from heat exhaustion. He's no doctor, nor medical professional. But any person could recognize heat exhaustion. He immediately unzips her jacket and takes it off of her. She could've had a heat stroke.

"Yaz!" Sammy exclaims. "Kenji what's wrong with her?" Sammy asked worried. "She-she passed out."

Kenji picked her up bridal style, they started running any and everywhere with small hope that they'd find Anyone or anything to help. Eventually they were in a hall of the airlock again.

Kenji was running with her in his arms until he stopped as he almost ran into someone.

"You Miss, can you help?! Our friend she..." he couldn't finish, if he continued talking he might have started freaking out.

"Passed out from heat exhaustion!" Sammy finished.

"What are you kids doing here?" The woman asked, completely baffled by the sudden situation she was put into.

"Can't that wait?!"

"That isn't the point!"

"There's no time to explain!"

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