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Brooklyn plopped onto the couch angrily. She was so sure Kenji liked her, but obviously not. If he sides with Yaz so much that means he must have feelings for her.

She inhaled shaky angry breaths, her heart was thumping wildly in her chest. Her blood rushing through her veins.

She couldn't even believe it, how easily he sided with Yaz.

I'm the one that understands him, not her. Why'd he choose her? What's she got that I don't.

Ben walked into the room wondering what all the noise was about. Brooklyn could tell by the questioning look on his face.

He opened his mouth, ready to speak when she shook her head indicating that he shouldn't ask.

He nods and sat down with his bowl of popcorn, offering some to the angry girl. She sighed and took some.

Yaz and Kenji entered the room and sat on the bed together, he scooted to the right side letting her have the left.

They both lay on there backs, forgetting the covers. They stare at the roof lost in thought. "Yaz, when we get home you'll still talk to me right?" He asks concerned.

She furrowed her eyebrows into a confused frown.

"I'll still talk to everybody..." she tells him.

"I know but will you still trust me enough to tell me things, like you do right now?" He asked.

She smiled. "Yeah, out of everyone here I think I trust you the most" she admits.

"Even Sammy?" He questions shocked.

"Well, yeah. She wasn't the first one I opened up to."

"But she's your best friend." He points out.

"I know but, for some reason I guess I just trusted you first. I still trust her but I guess I'm more comfortable sharing with you, you just listen and understand and you don't pity me." She explains.

"I don't want to be pitied, I just want to be listened to is all." She explains.

"Do you trust me also?" She asked worried a bit.

"Of course I do, your really the only one I talk to about anything other than being a charming rich guy." He grins.

She groans, "gross!" She laughed slightly.

"What you don't think I'm cute?" He asked as he sat up, putting both his hands under his chin.

She sat up to glaring at him, examining his face. She couldn't help but smile, no matter how badly she didn't want to.

She tried to cover her face as the corners of her lips curled into a grin, her face flushing red.

He smirked knowing he won this time. "You smiled, you think I'm cute. I win." He exclaims jerking her hands away from her face.

"Hey that's not fair! It wasn't a competition." She complains, as she shoves his hid back causing him to fall into the bed.

"It is now." He responds as he sits back up.

"So what is it that you gain from putting me in uncomfortable situations?" she asked annoyed.

"I get to see both the tough side and the softie side of you." She says honestly.

"Hey, I'm not a softie." She argues.

"Yeah you are Yaz, deep down in side your a big squishy teddy bear." He says.

"No I'm not!" She glared at him, this time he wouldn't be able to make her smile. Or so she thought.

His eyes widened as he thought of something. "I bet..." he mumbled. "lift your arms up." He says.

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