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Yasmina slept for hours and hours and so did Kenji. They never wanted to leave the bed. She brought her body closer to him  in her sleep, wrapping around him like a pillow. 

They stayed like this for hours. Never moving away from one another. Kenji eventually woke up, but Yaz stayed asleep.

Poor Yaz, she's completely exhausted herself.

He frowns, admiring her beauty as she slept peacefully. Completely captivated by it. Yaz coughs in her sleep, snapping him out of it.

He felt her forehead with the palm of his hand. She was burning up! Kenji didn't want to, but he had to. He  shook her awake gently. She opened her heavy eyelids reluctantly, still pretty exhausted. She could barely keep them open for a prolonged period of time.

"I know you wanna stay here and use me like a human teddy bear, but, your burning up and need medicine." Kenji explains.

Yaz sits up and feels his forehead too. "Same for-you" she coughed in between her words.

"Mae may have some but are you feeling any better?" He asks softly, brushing a fallen strand of hair out of her face.

Her cheeks reddened, she tried to hide it but failed in the end. " a little bit." She sighs, she doesn't want to talk about being left behind anymore.

"Well at least you have me." He confidently says, holding her hand.

She blushed and incredible amount. "T-Thanks" she nervously replied, it was as if her confident exterior was broken down whenever she and Kenji were alone, held hands, made eye contact, were so close that they almost kissed....

It annoyed Yaz that he had this affect on her, and she couldn't help but wonder if she too had this affect on him. That's when the light bulb went off in her head.

"Kenji, why do you like holding my hands so much?" She forced her self to not stutter or break the eye contact they held.

He suddenly became extremely nervous. "Well, I- uh, it's like a comfort thing ya know, plus your hands are super soft and adorable. " He admits sheepishly.

Her eyes widened in shock. " think my hands are soft and adorable?" She rubbed the back of her neck and looked away.

"Yeah what's not adorable about yo-." He smacked his hand over his mouth as he realized what he'd just said. Yaz couldn't help but blush.

She smiled widely. "I meant, your ...your, adorable..." he just admitted it. No use lying.

He squeezed his eyes shut, as to not see her reaction. He opened them when she didn't say anything. Her face beat red, eyes widened. Her mouth gaped open.

He pushed her lower jaw up, closing her mouth. He chuckled at her expense.

Yeah, adorable.

Yaz avoided eye contact at all costs as she lounges back on the pillow. "Don't get me wrong Yaz," Kenji begins. "I'd love to stay here and cuddle more, but we kinda have to get up." He says putting his hands on her shoulders, shaking her.

"Okay!" She whines, sleepily. She sits back up and hops out of bed.

She was at the door frame when she realized Kenji was still in bed. "Hey you have to come too, dingus." Yaz fussed. 

Dingus, the old nickname was music to his ears. He loved it whenever she'd call him that, because that meant he was slightly on her nerves in a playful silly way.

"Nah, I'll stay here in the bed." Kenji says exhaling lazily.

"No way!" Yaz scoffs, she walked to the bed and pulled Kenji by his bent arm. She's strong, but he's stronger. Him resisting made it difficult for her.

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