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They find the others in the jungle biome devising a plan to get Yaz and Kenji back, a plan they wouldn't need.

"Hey guys." Kenji calls.

"Yaz! thank goodness your alright!" Sammy says running over to her friend as she hops off Kenji's back.

She hugs her along with Darius who's relieved to see her back safe. Although Kenji was angry at first he saw no need to go through that again. Yaz was safe and Darius only did what he thought was best after all.

"Glad your okay." Darius says, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Mae stands up, "Kash is most likely gonna start looking for you guys, we need to figure out how to get you kids home."

"Mae we can't leave now, we need to stop Kash first." Sammy says.

"He's planning on hurting the dinosaurs, we have to stop him." Darius says.

"What if I go back to Kash, we let him believe that the Spinosaurus ate Yaz. I'll get him to trust me and I'll be able to get some details." Darius suggest.

"What?! your crazy. You really think he'd trust you after you ran off?" Ben points out.

"It's worth a shot." Darius argues.

Mae shakes her head, disagreeing, "No Darius if Kash finds you god knows what he'll do."

"Fine then I could just sneak back into the warehouse and hide out in there, I'll be able to listen to everything." He suggests.

They exchange a few glances before coming to an agreement. "Fine but only if you promise not to get into anymore danger." Brooklyn says.

"Promise." He says.

They made their way back to the warehouse. "You guys stay here, I'll be back." Darius whispers. They nod as he sneaks into the warehouse.

"Yaz why do you have to ride Kenji's back?" Sammy asked as they watched Darius leave.

"Because of Kash." She responds, not even bothering to go into detail. She didn't feel the need to. She looked at Kenji, pondering rather or not it was a good time to tell him one of the things that took over her thoughts.

An awkward silence washed over the group, tensions still high between Brooklyn and Yasmina, who is still fighting with her brain.

"Kenji..." she had his attention but she stopped talking when Brooklyn cleared her throat. "Yaz can I talk to you, privately?"

She raised her eyebrow, "sure?" She's kinda upset that she missed her opportunity, but she's also curious to see what Brooklyn wants.

She stood up using her good ankle, she carefully followed Brooklyn. She tried her best to walk as normal as possible.

They walked a few feet away from the campers and stood by some trees. "I just wanted to start off by saying, I'm sorry."

Yaz was a little surprised, but listened.

"I've been a bitch these last few days and all because some stupid boy. Yes, I liked Kenji but he didn't like me so I got jealous and acted out in anger." She sighs before continuing "I'm sorry I tried to fight you over him." She kicked a small stone around with her foot nervously as she waited her reaction.

"It's okay Brooklyn, I forgive you." Yaz smiles awkwardly, her smile slowly dropped, she felt bad, she felt like she stole Kenji away from Brooklyn, even though he never returned her feelings, and they aren't technically together yet,  she still felt guilty.

"No need to look so sad Yaz, it's okay, I already know." Brooklyn smiles.

"You do?" Yaz asks shocked.

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