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Kenji shot up from his sleep, honestly he had no idea when he put his head down, it just happened. He felt the tears In his eyes, he wondered if that dream were actually a dream. He also wondered where the others disappeared to.

He let the tears fall. He got up and emotionally prepared himself to have his feelings hurt. He inhaled sharply as he removed the bloody gloves from his hand. He placed his bare finger under her nose.

He felt the cold wind as she inhaled. He sighed relieved. He lifted her shirt just enough to see her wound. He removed the bandaid and cleaned it again with a nice warm rag. He used a different rag to wash her face. He would give her a change of clothes but he didn't want to be invasive of her privacy.

She stirred in her sleep, eventually waking up on her back. She opened her eyes and suddenly all the pain hits her right then. Her stomachs burning, she chocked back her scream. She used everything in her to keep it in.

He glanced up at her seeing that she was awake. He suddenly was overwhelmed with emotions. Anger, sadness, guilt, and relief.

He looked her in the eyes, "Why did you do that?!" He asks angrily. He watched as she swallowed the Tylenol he left with a nice gulp of water.

She had no explanation. She was being irrational and it almost cost her her life. She stammered on her words. She was so ashamed she couldn't even look at him. He stood up and walked next to her. He got on his knees and bent over to hug her.

He let his tears fall. "I'm sorry for being so controlling, I just didn't want this to happens." He says implying the injury.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch and not listening to you." She says as she let her own tears fall. He pulled from the hug. " why are you crying?" He asks as he used his thumb to wipe her tears.

"I feel bad, I said you were horrible. Plus my stomach still hurts pretty bad, and we're still stuck on this dumb island." She explains wiping away her tears.

"Do you feel any better?" Kenji asked. She nods her head yeah.

Kenji's thumbs worked as windshield wipers. Gazing into her eyes. Taking in the brown beauty. Watching her as she watched him watch her. His gaze fell to her lips he could feel himself leaning in closer unintentionally.

Breathtaking even when she's in pain. Would this be a bad time to kiss her? Her lips big soft and round, smooth looking as well. Can I just kiss her?

He gets closer not wasting a moment more. He looks her in the eyes. "Can I?" He whispered, asking for consent. Though her heart fluttered and thumped in her chest violently, she still managed to agree without stuttering.

He placed his gentle hands on her checks, he slowly laid his soft buttery lips onto hers, connecting them gently. Yasmina felt so many inexplainable emotions. Their eyes were both closed but they managed to find a rhythm. Wrapped her arms around his neck, ignoring her stomach pain.

They wanted to continue like this forever, they loved this feeling, but they knew they had to stop. He kissed her once more before stopping completely.

He pulled away, seeing her red face. Silence was upon them.

"Wait don't you like Brooklyn?!" Yaz blurts out, breaking their silence.

He scoffs, laughing at the same time. "No I don't like her that way, and I was trying to tell you that before the stupid BRAD showed up in the kitchen." He explains


She felt relaxed and he felt calm. He took her hand, ready to confess to her. "Yasmina the reason I act so differently with you then the others is because I like like you, a whole lot." He admits, rubbing the back of his necks.

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