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Yaz stepped outside the cave, she was walking till she felt something under her foot.

"My sketchbook? How'd this get out here?"she picked it up and flipped through the pages. "I miss you mom." She says, admiring the only picture of her mom.

The low growl of the Indominus echos through the air. She gasps, sketch book falling to the ground. She backs away, panting. The roaring and stomping of Toro behind her startled her. She quickly spins around watching the huge dinosaur coming towards her. She never noticed the Ceratosaurus next to it. She looked at  the Dinosaur, watching as it inched towards her.

She backed away slowly, as a Scorpius appeared to be backing her into another. She backed into the snout of the second scorpius. She stood there hyperventilating, as all five dinosaurs cornered her.

They all opened their jaws wide, showing their sharp teeth, her heart beat accelerated. She shook violently with fear, turning her head away from the dinosaurs. She couldn't actually hide from one because there would just be another right behind her. She's cornered. She screams as she watched the indominus close its mouth around her small head.

She woke up, panicked and sweating profusely. Her heavy breathing slowed as she realized it had only been a nightmare, a terrible one at that. She yawned, exhausted, looking down she realized that her hand was in Kenjis'.

She blushed but couldn't be bothered to remove it, she liked it for one. But also that nightmare really shook her, and she kinda liked the comforting touch of her hand in his. She looked around noticing that all her other friends were asleep.

Her heart is still going a mile a minute. She took some deep breaths to try and calm her wrecked nerves.

"Have a nightmare, did you?" Mae asked calmly, still at her desk she spins around in her chair to face Yaz.

Yaz let go of Kenjis' hand. "Mmm... guess you could say something like that."  She shrugs.

"We'll would you wanna go lay in the back room? Maybe you'd sleep better in a real bed?" Mae suggested.

"Actually I'd rather not, we've been through so much and right now I'd rather-not- go back to sleep." Yaz explains as she walks to Maes' desk. "I'd rather help be on lookout."

"I can look out for BRADS myself, but if you insist, suit yourself."

"Are you doing some research? Yaz curiously asks.

"Yeah, can you hand me that Petri dish?" Mae politely asks.

Yaz picks it up and hands it to her. Mae breaks a piece of the white block off and puts it into a test tube.

Swirling it around in the test tube, she notices as it becomes a green acid like color.

Shocked, Mae says. "Oh dear this-this is terrible."

"What is?" Yaz asks.

"This is making the dinosaurs more violent, however that got into the meat is the question." She responds.  "I'll figure that out tomorrow, but for the mean time dear would you like some food?"

"No thanks, I'm good!" Yaz says. "You sure? I can hook you up with a mean soup." Mae says in an attempt to persuaded her.

Yaz still shakes her head, Mae continued to talk her ear off all about food and cooking.

Yasmina nods sleepily as Mae continues blabbing on and on about her favorite recipes. She sort of disassociated, she completely accidentally tuned Mae out. She could hear her talking, she just couldn't make out any of the words as they were being said. She subconsciously let a yawn slip.

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