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"Get off me kid." Kash spat, pushing Darius to the ground.

"You wanna tell me who you are! Now!" He demands.

"My name is Darius Bowman, I was on Isla Nublar when the entire place shut down." He explains.

"You expect me to believe that? Nublar capped six months ago, you want me to believe that some dewb like you survived six months in your own?!"

"I had no idea how long it's been! My dad and I were on a trip together when the Indominus broke out, he protected me and I was able to find a safe place to hide. I found an abandoned boat and just followed the sea hoping to find Costa Rica, if you just let me call back I'll be out of your way." He explains.

"No way! You've seen too much, so now I have to figure out what I want to do with you." Kash says before snatching Darius by his arm.

Yasmina attempts to run towards the entrance, despite her legs shaking. Luckily she was pulled back by Kenji. "Yaz, no!" He yells as he holds her waist. "you're not ready to yet." He reminds her.

"I know that but I don't care! What if Darius is in trouble?!" She whisper yells at him.

"We need to wait, if Kash is in here and he finds out more of us saw everything then we definitely won't make it home." He explains, Ben nodding in agreement.

She pushes him off of her. "You don't care about Darius do you? Only about yourself, you're horrible!" She quietly yells.

She quickly turned to the right and ran along the side of the two dinosaurs from afar. She slowly ran behind Big Eatie and Close to the back entrance of the warehouse. She was so close to making it when she tripped, attracting the attention of the dinosaur

She rolled over quickly and backed away. She shuddered as Big Eatie turned and came closer, despite the force Field. Her body refused to move. Big Eatie used her mouth to hit and short circuit the low flying drone.

The electric shield pushing them together disappeared. Big Eatie moving closer to Yaz. She tried to back away but she couldn't.

I should've listened to him.

She begins sweating and panting just like before. Big Eatie got ready to close its mouth around Yaz's body. She closed her eyes preparing herself, she couldn't run anymore. They'd have to go home without her.

Kenji couldn't watch, there wasn't anything he could do. He felt his heart beating extremely fast, his stomach feels like it's empty.

It wasn't until the drone finally regained power, the energy shield reappearing right before Yaz. She forced her self up and into the warehouse. She fell onto the floor behind some boxes.

She heard footsteps coming around into the room. She pulled her knees to her chest and kept her hand over her mouth, though she was practically hyperventilating she would have to try and keep it down.

She couldn't though, her breathing turned into desperate wheezing coughs. Her lungs burned from the lack of air and all her mind could think about was proper oxygen.

1...2....3 again 1....2....3 again...1...2...3...Kenji would probably tell me to not think about what's bothering me so I'll do that.

She thought of any and everything else that didn't relate to her current situation.

She sighed once she was finally able to calm down. She felt hands grip her hair. She gasped. She had no time to react as she was pulled from behind the boxes.

She got up off the ground in shock.

"You said you were alone!" Kash yelled at Darius gripping his shirt.

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