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Kenji groaned in frustration. "This sucks man ." They all avoided saying anything at all, they just listened.

"It should be a good thing that he's here, but it's not,  he came here to work with Kash. Even if I were to go out there and let him know we're all here, I'm sure he wouldn't care. It'd just lead to more danger." Kenji informs dejectedly.

"But that could be our only way to get home." Sammy reminds him.

"He's not gonna take us home, he'll most likely disown me even further than he already has. He doesn't care about me." Kenji states, tears building in his eyes.

He let's out a shaky breath, holding in his tears of frustration. He stands up angrily, walking back to the bedroom. Yaz stood up to follow him.

"Leave him alone dear, it's best right now."

Her head fell and she sat back down, she just wanted to cheer him up like he does for her. But honestly she isn't the best at that.

"So what now?" Ben asks.

Mae shrugs, "I'm burnt out on ideas, Since Kash's boss is here there isn't much we can do."

"So does that mean we can't go home?" Brooklyn asked, Mae shakes her head.

They all huffed, exhausted. Hope slowly slipped away, that last sliver of hope they'd held onto was gone. If you entered the room you would feel it, the optimistic  spirits of six doomed campers dead. Were they doomed to never go home? What would be different if they never went to Isla Nublar in the first place?

"No." Darius says, everyone looked up at him. "We're not giving up, there's a way off this island we're taking it. I'm tired of waiting for someone to save us, we can't rely on Kenji's dad so if we manage to get to the helicopter we could fly home."

"Darius we tried to fly a helicopter before and we almost lost our lives." Yaz explains, remembering that pad failed attempt.

"Mae can you fly a helicopter?" Darius asksed, "just to Costa Rica and back."

Mae shakes her head. "Unfortunately I don't know how that would work."

"What about Mantah corp, and the dinosaurs?" Sammy reminds them.

Yaz shakes her head slightly to herself.
Forget the dinosaurs! We need to go home!

"Sammy's right, we can't just leave knowing Mantah corp is here, we have to stop them." Mae says, Brooklyn nodding in agreement.

"What do we do, we've tried everything?" Ben says, all hope gone.

Yaz slowly slips away, down the hall and into the bedroom when nobody was paying attention. She closes the door slowly behind her. Kenji's sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the wall. He's hunched over, playing with his fingers.

She slowly sat on the bed next to him, partially because of her stomach, but also because she's unsure if she should even approach him. She didn't say anything, just placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort before removing it shortly.

Judging from his lack of reaction, she figures it's best to not say anything, just wait for him to talk. So they sit silently, staring at the wall, hearing nothing but each other's breathing.

He finally exhaled deeply, releasing all tension in his back and the rest of his body. He sits up straight rolling his shoulders a few times to completely relax all his muscles.

"You alright?" She asks, as he watched him.

"Yep." He replies shortly, cracking his neck and stretching his arms.

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