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Their parents thanked Mae for taking care of and looking after their children. She only smiled saying 'you don't have to thank me' or 'it was the least I could do'

"Alright you guys ready to go?" Asks Sylene.  They all nod, they'd already said their goodbyes to Mae. They had thanked her for her hospitality and everything she did for them that led them to this point. They were ready.

"Seven can fit in a helicopter so, how are we splitting up?" She asks.

"Dan, Crystal, and I can ride in one and you guys can have the other" Alex says.

So then it's settled, Sylene, Yuliana, Jade, and the three kids climb into the first helicopter. Yasmina, Kenji, and Darius climbed in and sat in that exact order. Yaz had to be careful though, she didn't want her mom to worry or even know that she was semi injured.

They had one seat up front, so Jade sat up their while Brandon, Yuliana and Sylene sat in the seats across from their relatives. Yaz was overjoyed to be finally going home. They'd made it.

"Alright, we're getting ready to pull off." The pilot announces.

They buckled in and shut the doors, preparing to fly through the air. They were all so exhausted, they couldn't help but close their eyes and sleep, peacefully, without worrying about a dinosaur attacking them. Without fear of being killed by a BRAD or Kash.

Yaz let her heavy eyelids fall, they'd been up all night and in the heat of every moment she'd never really noticed how desperate she was for sleep. She let her head fall onto Kenji's shoulder, height usually wasn't a problem for them when he was sitting down.

For the next few hours there was a peaceful silence, for only one reason. Everyone except Kenji and his mom were asleep. And they have the most catching up to do.

"Listen K, I'm sorry I haven't really been there for you before this all happened. The divorce was hard on me and your dad never let me see you even though I have full custody. He literally took you from me and is blackmailing me to not take it to court." She explains.

"But trust me I've fought hard everyday to get you back because I miss you, I miss the bond we shared, talking to you, just having someone to waste time with." She chuckles teary eyed. "Because believe me, it gets lonely not having my only son in a big house."

"And I know I'm not as wealthy as your dad but I do love you, and I try even though I'm not as rich as him. I can't afford an in home bowling alley, but I can take you to one. I can't afford an in home movie theater but I can take you to see a movie." She sighs.

"The point is, me being unavailable to you as a parent, wasn't by choice. It was your evil, bastard fathers fault. And I'm sorry that he put you through hell. This is why your coming back home with me. I don't know where's he's gone, but now that I've relocated in California, he won't find us. I'll give you the life you deserve. I promise." She looks at him, waiting for him to reply.

"Please, say something." She pleads, saddened. She begins thinking her apology wasn't enough. Maybe he doesn't believe her.

"I love you so much mom, you mean the world to me. You don't need to be rich for me to appreciate you and what you do for me," he smiles. "I for one have learned my lesson, just because dad is rich and I lived with him didn't make me automatically happy, I was in fact miserable with him." He explains.

Her face saddens further, "but that isn't your fault. I'm sorry I never called, I wasn't able to, he never provided a number, all he said was that you ran off" Kenji explains.

His mom nods. "I love you son, I'm so happy I found you."

"I love you too, mom" he felt so warm inside, partially because of Yasmina giving him butterflies anytime she's around, but also because he's finally discovering what it's like to be loved and cared for.

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