You're My Comfort Place [One-Shot]

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Word Count: 695
Childe/Tartaglia x GN reader

Fighting against the cold, harsh winters of Snezhnaya, you finally managed to close the door to your home. Ajax comes peeping his head around the corner to greet you with warm arms.

"Welcome back, (Y/n). I've missed you so much today," chuckled out your husband as he Eskimo-kissed you softly.

"I missed you too, Ajax. Did you have dinner yet?"

"I was waiting for you, so I only just started making it a little while ago. Only about five more minutes before it's ready."

"Oo, smells good. What're you making tonight?"

"An authentic borscht recipe my Mom taught me right before I... happier times."

"Darling... Oh, I'm so sorry..." you sighed out, placing your hand on his chest over his heart.

"It's all behind us now. Besides, if I hadn't joined the Fatui, I would've never met you."

"Oh no, what a travesty. What ever would I have had done without meeting you?" you said sardonically, a smug look replacing your once sympathetic gaze.

"Well, for one thing, you wouldn't be married."

Your husband then playfully pushed you back to the couch whilst letting out a soft laugh. You laughed along with him all but before coming down from the high to realize what position you two were in. Letting said realization sink in, your cheeks were now dusted with crimson.

"Why're you getting so embarrassed, honey? It's not like we haven't done this sorta thing before?"

"Still... that doesn't mean I'll ever be used to how you're always looking at me during those times..." you mumbled out, trying your best to advert your attention from the ginger's gaze to avoid your heart from jumping out of your chest. "It's embarrassing..."

"Well, I—"

You then sniffed the air. It smelled like smoke.

"Is something... burning?"

"Only my passion and love for you, girlie."

Pushing your husband off of you, your eyes landed on the pot with the borscht in it.

"A-Ajax, the stove's on fire...!"

Immediately, he pushed himself off of the couch and using his hydro vision to put out said fire. Luckily, the fire hadn't gotten too big, so it was pretty easy for Ajax to light it out. The remnants of the borscht was the soup and a few burnt tomatoes floating about. You two could salvage most of it, thankfully.

"We're good! It's alright!"

"Ajax..." you sighed out, sitting up on the couch now.

After dinner, you two got ready for bed. As you were reading a book in bed, Ajax just came back from the bathroom. As per usual, no shirt or pants were present, but only a pair of clean boxers. Setting down the book and taking a mental note of where you stopped, you turned to look at your, almost nude, husband.

"Nice pair of tits you got there," you chuckled out.

"I could say the same to you," retorted Ajax as he climbed into bed.

After calming down from the soft laughing fit between the two of you, you looked up into his cerulean-colored eyes with a serious look on your (s/c) features. Those eyes that could envelop the ocean ten-fold over with.

"Ajax... I love you."

"Wha- Where is this coming from all of a sudden?"

"I loved you yesterday, I love you right now, and I'll love tomorrow," you cried out as you wrapped your arms tightly around your lover.

"(Y/n)...? Is something wrong?"

"No, I just... I'm so lucky to have you in my life. Never had the thought of having someone become so important to me cross my mind until I met you. Ajax..." you released from the hug to look back up at him. "You're my comfort zone."

As both of your faces flushed rose, you backed off of him completely and cleared your throat.

"Ahem, sorry if that was abrupt. Just... emotional tonight. Good night, Ajax," was all you said before turning off the nightstand light.

As your husband wrapped his arms around your waist lightly just as he did any other night, bringing you close to his chest, he whispered, "You're my comfort zone as well,  darling. I love you to Celestia and back."

A/n: I was originally gonna make this Xmas themed or whatever but uhhhh now it's just fluffy and soft and comfy and cozy just in time for the holidays mmhmm it's on the shorter side, but,,,,,,, anyways happy holidays and stay warm and safe <3 (also this was inspired by comfort zone by yot club; such a nice song)

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