Chapter 7

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3rd Person POV

Currently, Ephraim can be seen alone and surrounded on top of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. He then fights the guards, as he swings his sword left and right. Semiramis emerges from inside the interiors of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Semiramis: "Well, well, well. The Lord of Flames graces me with his presence in my humble abode."

Ephraim: "Ah, you're making me blush... Assassin of Red."

Semiramis: "Ah, I see that you noticed that I am not a Caster class Servant."

Ephraim: "Yes, an assassin that uses magic. Don't tell me you believe in blowing people up from the shadows like the grumpy old man."

Semiramis: "Who? Oh who bother, I see that you are a strong mage and a capable knight. I'd like to offer you a deal, one that you cannot refuse."

Ephraim: "I'm listening."

Semiramis: "You'll have to find me first~"

She licks her lips and goes back inside the interiors of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Then more and more skeleton warriors appeared. Ephraim sighed and unleashed a barrage of flame induced attacks on the enemy.

One of them was about to swing but was immediately killed by Ephraim. The Lord of Flames himself created a wall of flames and then launched it to the highest numbers of enemies that had gathered and immediately turned all of them to ash.

Ephraim: "Well, that takes care of that."

He then went inside to look for Semiramis, as he continued throughout the whole place, there he saw several more of the skeleton warriors. He sighs and then continues attacking them. He swings Flamberge and then lunges, killing them in an instant.

Ephraim: "Damn, this is going to take a while... Ciri?"

Ciri: *Sir?*

Ephraim: "Play The Resistance from Skillet, will you?"

Ciri: *Playing The Resistance from Skillet and all of the other playlist.*

Yes, Skillet is a classic and I love it to death, okay. Goodbye



Ephraim: "Good!"

Then more enemies appeared, he sliced and diced them all up, Ephraim reached a room with a huge space, an arena-like room. Then a giant skeleton appeared with four arms. One of the arms had an axe while the other two had swords and finally the last arm had a blunderbuss.

Ephraim: "Damn, even this skeleton knows that guns are cool. I'm going to name you... Skeletor."


Semiramis: laughs *Please, go ahead and show me your power. Mr Lord of Flames.*

Ephraim hides as Skeletor fires its blunderbuss, as it reloads, Ephraim goes in for an attack but his sword couldn't reach since one of the arms blocked his attack. Ephraim then unleashed a barrage of fireballs to Skeletor but it did little to no damage.

Ephraim: "Tough, aren't we?"

Skeletor roared and then swung both of its sword hands and Ephraim managed to block it, as the two of them were in a blade lock. Skeletor swung its axe and was about to fire its blunderbuss, Ephraim smirks and then started burning the swords which did little.

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