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You stared into the full-length mirror on the wall of your cinderblock-like room as you pulled on the hero costume. It was new- your first one, actually- courtesy of the American National Hero Administration. A broad smile crept onto your face as you took a moment to marvel at the sight. It was almost exactly how you had always imagined it, save for a few alterations that your handler, Captain Stiller, insisted upon. Though the man was an absolute pain, you were grateful that his additions were practical.

Before you could give your new look the admiration it deserved, a gentle, yet unignorable vibration was felt around your wrist. You lifted your arm and glared down at the thin black band as the screen flashed. You tapped the display to read the incoming message and huffed in annoyance as it popped up.


It was time to go. Stiller was not a patient man and, seeing as how he had full control of your schedule and assignments, not only for this trip but for your entire enlistment, you'd rather not keep him waiting. It might be nice to have some recreational time; after all, you hadn't been in Japan since you were twelve. You quickly spun around to retrieve the boots that went with the costume and took one last look once you had slipped them on. Now it was perfect. You couldn't help but beam at yourself in the mirror, your heart full to bursting. A light squeal escaped your throat as you posed rather 'heroically' for yourself.

"Aw, yeah- pro-hero (H/N) reporting for du-"


Two buzzes this time. Stiller was growing tired of waiting. Once again, you brought your fingertip to the watch's display to reveal the text. Same as before:


This time, however, when you tapped the screen a second time to dismiss the message, a timer began its countdown.

'3:00... 2:59... 2:58... 2:57...'

You rolled your eyes and sighed loudly in exasperation. You closed up the case your costume had come in before heading for the door with it in hand.

"Jeez, can't have anything nice." You grumbled as you stepped out into the hall of the barracks. The familiar sound of chatter amongst the enlisted personnel slowly died as you made your way to the exit. Usually, you'd be feeling thankful that you were located on the first floor; however, it seemed that now, even despite having the good fortune of being nearer the door, you could hear the exact moment a group's attention became fixed on you. The sudden dimming of individual conversations as you passed added to the increasingly deafening silence until only the sounds of your own footsteps echoed throughout the corridor. You did your best to ignore the prying eyes around you as you reached for the front door.

'At least I'll have a few minutes alone on the way to the hangar.' The hopeful thought eased your mind a bit as you stepped outside.

"(H/N)." The gruff voice caught your attention.

'Damn it. Seriously?!' You mentally swore, aggravated, but unsurprised by the man's presence.

"I'm here to escort you to Captain Stiller." He continued. You turned to face him, a feigned smile hiding indignation.

"Ah. Well, thanks, but no thanks. I know where to find him." You replied casually.

"Apologies, but my orders are to stay with you-" You were quick to cut him off before he could drone on any further.

"Listen..." You paused as you glanced at the rank on his chest.

"Corporal. I've only got about..." You broke off again to check your watch.

Resurrected & Reignited (Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Reader) [REUPLOAD]Where stories live. Discover now