Part XIV: Catching Up

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You pouted childishly as Touya and yourself made your way up a ladder on the side of a small, empty building. The cold air nipped at the exposed skin on your hands as you reached for the next rung. The two of you had just finished a tour of a local convenience store. To your dismay, however, your friend's jacket was quite a bit puffier than when you'd entered. Though you were certain no one had caught on to Touya's thievery, you couldn't help feeling embarrassed. You were a hero, for crying out loud. Touya stepped over the ledge of the roof and turned around to help you up. You took his hand firmly.

"Y'know..." You grunted as you stepped onto the roof. "...we could've paid for all that stuff. I've got a bank card on my phone."

Touya led you to the adjacent ledge. "Always the goody-two-shoes, aren't you?" He teased with a smile. You huffed and Touya sighed, sitting the two of you down shoulder-to-shoulder in the hard-to-spot corner.

"If everyone's looking for you, then I'm sure they're looking out for any bank transactions. If you take money out, or buy something with that card, they'll immediately know where you've been." He explained, dropping your hand. "Besides, you stopped a robbery at that very store about a week ago- remember? Consider it payment for helping them out."

You breathed a small laugh. No, you really didn't remember. With all of the cases and paperwork that regularly piled up on your desk, it was difficult to recall one little robbery. "Damn stalker." You stared up for a moment. The sun, now invisible beyond the horizon, still maintained a tiny influence, painting the sky a dark raspberry color. You had to admit, despite your annoyance with Touya at the moment, it was soothing. "That's... not why I do it, though." You grumbled behind your mask. Touya cocked his head and took off his sunglasses.

"Hm? What?"

You pulled the cloth covering off of your face. "I don't save people and stop crime for the payoff, Touya. I do it so people can live their lives in comfort and safety. Seeing people happy and knowing that I'm the cause of it- that's enough of a payoff for me." You brought your hands to your head and pulled the hood of your jacket down. "It might sound a bit selfish..." You went on, giving Touya a guilty look. "..., but I wanna be the reason people are happy."

Your friend scoffed at the statement. "What planet do you live on where that's selfish? You just wanna help people. And from what I've seen, you're not in it for the recognition."

You nodded. "Truthfully, I could do without the recognition altogether. I know public appearance is an important part of being a hero and all, but- well, you know I've never really been a people person." You admitted. Touya nodded knowingly and began to pull a few snack items from his oversized jacket. From his other pocket, he brought out a bottle of water and offered it to you. "Drink up. You need to rehydrate. Your quirk should come back soon." He instructed. You took it gratefully.

"Thank you. Honestly, it's been pretty overwhelming since I got here. I'm not used to all the attention." You said, struggling to open the bottle cap in your shaky state. You grunted as you strained, clearly putting in way more effort than should be necessary. Touya grabbed hold of the bottle while it was still in your hand and twisted the top loose with ease.

You smiled weakly.

"Thank you." You said again through a puff of air, breath now visible in the cold. You felt a bit embarrassed having him help you so much. You'd clung to him nearly the entire time in the store, and now he had to open a simple screw-on cap for you. You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly. "I'm sorry for all this. I must've been such a burden on you." You apologized.

Touya shook his head and took a swig from his own bottle. "Ah- nah. I wouldn't've bothered if it were a burden." He paused to take another drink, and you did the same with your water. "But if you want to think of it that way- we'll just say we're even now. You almost died because of me, after all." He said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and stared down into your water bottle.

Resurrected & Reignited (Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Reader) [REUPLOAD]Where stories live. Discover now