Part XXVII-B: Obligatory Shower Scene II (NSFW - Female Reader)

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Despite your protective barriers, Touya seemed reluctant to actually step under the water. It took a little coaxing, but you did eventually get him to stick his body under it. He seemed quite averse to the idea of wetting his face, though. You watched closely as the water ran down his shoulders and torso. Your barriers seemed to be working, but they did cause the water to move in odd directions and pool up where there were dips in his scars. You got to work with the sudsy puffball in your hand, roughly scrubbing away at his shoulders and collarbones. There was a noticeable change in color on his skin as the water created clean trails along his arms. The puddle beneath him grew visibly darker as the water ran off his fingertips and dripped onto the tile.

"Dude, you're filthy." You commented. It seemed you would have to show his grimy skin no mercy. "It feels like I'm washing a dog. How long has it been since you've showered?"

Touya just shrugged, his eyes fixed on the mirror behind you. Perhaps he was embarrassed. You sighed, moving on to his torso. "Well, we'll just have to fix that. As long as I'm here, you're bathing, got it?" You said teasingly.

"Sure." He replied simply.

You stopped once you reached his pelvis, unsure of whether or not you were

"I am a grown man, you know. I can wash it myself if you're not comfortable." Touya spoke up, noticing your rather long pause.

"It's not that. I just... don't wanna hurt you is all." Liar. Touya took hold of the loofah and slipped it from your hand.

"Just give me the puffy thing. I'll do it. Go ahead and get yourself clean." He stepped about a foot away from the water before you grabbed his arm. You weren't stupid; you could see the reluctance written all over him.

"Oh, no, you're not slick. We're washing your hair. You're not getting out of it." You lectured.

"Seriously? It's not that big of a deal." Touya complained. You placed your hand on your hips and gave him a scathing look.

"Dude, you smell like a campfire. I'm washing it. Get back here." You pointed at the floor beside you, tapping your foot impatiently. Touya threw his head back, rolling his eyes as he let out a defeated groan. He returned to the water reluctantly. You reached for the bottle of shampoo once again and set it down on the rim of the bathtub once you'd gotten some out.

"Stick your head under the water." You commanded. Touya stared back at you, pouting like a child. When he refused to budge, you took matters into your own hands. "Fine, be that way." In one swift motion, you used your quirk to forcibly push him under the running streams.

"Ugh. You know, there's soap on the floor. What if I slipped?" Touya griped. You used your quirk to hover a few inches off the ground to get a better view of his hair.

"Shut up and wash your dick." You snipped. The water that ran through Touya's black hair went in clear but exited looking murky. You rubbed the shampoo into his scalp. It felt like more dirt was being trapped under your fingernails with every passing second. The foam that formed from the shampoo wasn't its typical white color either - instead, it was gray. It was becoming darker by the second.

"Okay, either you're dirtier than I thought, or this is the cheapest hair dye I've ever seen." You said, rinsing the dirty soap off of your hands.

"It's not dye." He informed. You were confused.

"Last I checked, black isn't your natural color." You guided water over his hair, rinsing out all of the shampoo. You were going to need to do this a couple of times. As the shampoo suds were washed away, you got a better look at his scalp.

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