Part XXIV: Self Defense

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You stared up in horrified awe at the burning building. A mixture of orange and azure flames whisked past one another fluidly in a destructive dance as they fluttered out of the shattered windows. Plumes of smoke puffed out of every opening creating an enormous black cloud in the sky. Gradually, Dabi's blue flames dominated the blaze.

'What... the hell... did I do?' The question persisted in your mind. The terrified screams of the people inside were gradually being drowned out by the crescendoing roar of the inferno, but the noise was like nails on a chalkboard in your heart. The words of the boy still inside the factory echoed in your skull.

'You're supposed to be a hero!'

A sinking pit of shameful regret burrowed its way into your stomach. You should fly right back into the blaze and rescue the boys. It was the right thing to do - you knew that, but for some reason, you couldn't move. Your muscles were petrified by the guilt of your criminality. You caused this. Your pupils narrowed fearfully, and Dabi's flames were reflected clearly in the (E/C) of your iris. An overwhelming tightness began to creep from your core and gripped your chest. Though the boys' screams were inaudible now, you were beginning to come to your senses.

'I have to... get them out.' You muttered mentally. The thought came slowly- as if your train of thought were skipping its way along its tracks. You knelt down ever so slightly in preparation to fly into the building, but Touya's arm snaked itself around your waist and tugged you backward gently before you could take off. "Come on, let's go." He coaxed softly.

'No... I can't just...' Again, the thought was lazily strung together. It felt almost incomplete. Ignoring his words, you attempted to bound forward with your quirk, only to be abruptly stopped as Touya tightened both arms around your stomach. The pressure suddenly placed on your intestines evoked a soft gag from you as you released your quirk. The heel of Touya's boots dug into the dirt as his entire body was dragged forward by your momentum.

"No, (Y/n)! Leave it, we have to go!" He shouted as you struggled and squirmed in his grip. Even with all of your thrashing, Touya managed to spin you around to face him. You looked to be in a daze. He held tightly onto your shoulders and gave you a light shake to focus your attention. "(Y/n), listen to me. Listen to me!" He brought his face close to yours as he repeated his command softly.

"We have to go."

A sense of dreadful gloom washed over you as the sound of distantly approaching sirens pierced your eardrums. That horrid lump in your throat was threatening to suffocate you altogether. Touya was right. You couldn't be caught- not like this. This was more than just vouching for a villain. If the incident at the Todoroki house wasn't enough- now, you were a criminal. Arson, assault, murder; whatever thin line you were walking had been crossed. This was far beyond a dishonorable discharge. They give out life sentences for offenses like this, or even worse, capital punishment. If you ran now, though, no one would have to know you were involved. Still, what kind of hero willingly sacrifices others to save themselves? Now wasn't the time to grapple with your waning sense of morality, though. You had to go. Releasing your torso, Touya moved his hand to your wrist and gave it a tug. "Come on."

Your eyes welled with tears as you gazed with horrific longing at the factory. You were stupefied. Your legs began to move on their own as they obeyed Touya's wishes for you to follow. Touya's grip tightened around your wrist as he picked up the pace, and the two of you bounded down a dreary looking alley. The smoke from the fire had begun to spread throughout the surrounding streets. You snuck intermittent glances at the darkened intersections that were visible between the buildings as you zipped past. More sirens could be heard just down the street, and they were growing louder by the second. Through the thin clouds, you made out the lights of an oncoming firetruck. Your jaw clenched so tight you thought your teeth might crack, and you prayed no one inside had spotted you.

Resurrected & Reignited (Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Reader) [REUPLOAD]Where stories live. Discover now