Part XII: Resurrected

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You drifted in and out of consciousness for what felt like hours, but you didn't dream. Instead, images of the past fluttered across your mind like an old film reel, as though your life were flashing before your eyes: the limited memories of your childhood with your mother, your placement in the program, and your time spent with your two closest friends; your transfer to Stiller's care and your move to the states. For whatever reason, it all ran through in chronological order and ended when you got on the jet to Japan.

When you finally gained any sort of awareness of your surroundings, you were in a new place. Your mind was entirely cloudy, and your eyelids felt heavy as you willed them to open. Dirty, grey cement walls met a dusty floor in cobweb-covered corners. A long line of dim light shone along the floor of the far wall, indicating, what you assumed to be a rather large, pull-down door. The rest of the building appeared much too large to be an ordinary garage, though. As your eyes adjusted to the low lighting, different shapes came into view: massive metal shelves with randomly placed crates lined the wall to your left, and a pile of mid-sized metal pipes lay on the ground to your right. It was a warehouse, you deduced.

'What... happened?' You dug deep, trying as hard as you could to clearly remember how you'd gotten here. You recalled fire.... Lots of fire, and the small army of nomus you and the others had fought. You looked down at your body awkwardly from your lying position. The first thing you noticed was that your hero suit was gone. Instead, you were dressed in a plain white t-shirt and a pair of grey shorts, and your leg was partially wrapped in pristine white bandages. It looked like you were on some type of metal table, and, from what you could see, it was surprisingly clean compared to the surrounding area. Your head throbbed as you rolled onto your side and pushed yourself up onto your elbow. Looking down at your wrist, you found that it was also neatly dressed in bandages.

'Huh... where's my watch?' You wondered, noticing the device you'd been linked with for years was missing. There didn't appear to be any kind of watch-shaped lump under your wrappings either. Though there was a dull pain underneath them, the muscles in your arm and shoulder showed no signs that you had overused your quirk. That was strange. You were certain you would've felt some kind of strain after a battle like that. You groaned softly as the pounding in your skull subsided. You tried hard to remember how you'd gotten here, but drew a blank. From your left, you heard a voice.

"Hey, there, sleepyhead." It took you much longer than you would have liked in your groggy state to process it. You sloppily turned your entire body to get a better look at the man in the room with you, but he protested immediately.

"Don't try to move too quickly." He insisted. He rose from the crate he'd been seated on and stepped closer. Gradually, his charred and stapled skin became illuminated by what little light crept in through the garage door. His blue eyes, somewhat hidden by strands of jet black hair, observed you calmly. There was just a tiny smile on his face. The sight of him startled you, forcing you to become more alert. "You've still got some injuries. I guess no one ever told you not to put water on a gas fire, huh?" Dabi chuckled.

You blinked a couple of times, eyes locked on his steadily-approaching frame. It seemed you were having trouble deciphering what he'd just said- it sounded a bit muffled. It didn't matter, though. Whatever he said was irrelevant. The only important thing in your mind right now was the fact that there was a wanted criminal right in front of you. Not just any criminal either; a member of the League of Villains. This man had stalked you, broken into your room, blackmailed Keigo, and, you were pretty sure, orchestrated the most recent nomu attack. How many people had he endangered? You doubted even he knew. Rage pumped adrenaline through your body.

"You son of a bitch!" You yelled. You flung yourself off of the table and attempted to use your quirk to hurl towards him, but wound up falling to the ground instead. "What the hell?"

Resurrected & Reignited (Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Reader) [REUPLOAD]Where stories live. Discover now