Chapter 4

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I was walking back to the apartment, after tuition. I was a bit tired after the long day... I yawned a bit. Adithi had cut tuitions and went home, saying she has a headache. That was a total lie, and she is bunking tuitions a lot lately. I have no idea what this girl is going to do after class 12. She will probably follow Ishan to whatever college he is going to. But if she needs to catch up to Ishan, she needs to study a bit more, as Ishan is really studying well lately.

"Suhana." I heard someone calling my name and looked behind. It was Ishan. He was coming back from tuition as well. I paused so as he can catch up to me.

"The rest of the boys?" I asked.

"They went to the playground." He said.

I nodded. We began to walk to the apartment.

"Today's test was okay, right?" Ishan asked. "I could solve most problems."

"Yeah." I agreed. It was so easy to get along with Ishan. He was sweet and kind. Unlike someone who thinks I am evil and mean.

"Ah... is there something wrong between you and Arjun?" Ishan suddenly asked.

"Huh?"I asked him.

"It felt like you two are not talking to each other. " Ishan said.

Yeah... we were not.

But I did not want to discuss it with Ishan. Or more like, I was not sure if I can tell him...

"Just..." I said, avoiding the topic.

"If there is a problem, then please solve it okay. It's a bit uncomfortable when two people in the group are not talking to each other. The others feel the discomfort." Ishan said.

I did not reply. I was not in a mood to talk to Arjun any soon. And unlike Adithi, I am not the type that will just give up for others' sake... To make other's comfortable, I don't want to do something that I really did not want to do. Yeah...I may be selfish. I am a bitch. But that's who I am. And I just want to be that. I never asked anyone to treat me like a princess... I have never claimed that I am an angel or anything. I am just fed up being their princess and angel. I just want to be a human now.... And I was just a human. But he made me into something worse.

I stopped in my tracks...

"What the hell is she doing?" I asked Ishan in a super worried voice, looking at Adithi who was in front of us. She was knelt on the roadside and ruffling the fur of a big giant street dog.

"Isn't that the dog which bit, Ayaan last month and Kavya aunty's son sometimes back?" I asked, pulling Ishan's sleeve.

"Yeah..." Ishan was looking at Adithi a bit dumbstruck too.

"She has gone crazy," I mumbled. Does she want to get herself killed... Mental case "Stop her..." I said to Ishan... He looked a bit scared to go near the dog.

"Adithi," he called out.

"Oh... Hey." She looked up. "Fluffy, say hi," she said to the dog and lifted up the dog's paw and made it wave to us.

"What the hell are you doing, you idiot?" I yelled out.

"Isn't he just cute...?" Adithi asked indicating the dog. "I named him Fluffy, you know, like Fluffy from Philosopher's Stone," She said referring to the First Harry Potter book. And yea, this dog did resemble the huge three-headed dog from 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'.

"Ishan, do something," I told him. That girl is gonna get herself killed.

Ishan nodded and slowly walked towards the dog and Adithi.

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