Chapter 15

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I ran downstairs to Jiggy's apartment on the 3rd floor and started ringing the doorbell

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I ran downstairs to Jiggy's apartment on the 3rd floor and started ringing the doorbell. Hetal didi opened the door.

"Jiggy is in, right?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

I ran into the house, to see Jiggy sitting on the couch, looking at his mobile.

"Didn't you see the Whatsapp message?" I asked.

He looked up at me. "Hm..."

"Then why didn't you reply?" I asked. And did not wait for his reply. He was still dressed in the jeans and shirt he wore to the college, so no need to make him change. "Come fast," I said, taking his hand in mine and pulling him. He came with me as I pulled him.

"Hey listen... I don't feel like eating." He said as I dragged him along.

"You?" I snorted, "The sun might have risen from the west today..."

I pulled him along. When I reached the lobby, I left his hand and ran to Ishan.

"Sssss..." Ishan hissed in worry as I ran to him, "How many times have I told you not to run?"

"What's the big deal? I am all better now." I said. "See..." I jumped up and down a bit.

Ishan held his hand to my shoulder and made me stop, and standstill. His eyes were strict. Glad that he did. Now that I had run and jumped, my ribs and head were in a bit of pain. I hope it doesn't show on my face. Else Ishan will kill me.

I saw Ishan's eyes moving to Jiggy who was standing a bit far away from us, looking like he needed to poop. I blinked at him. What's up with him?? I looked back at Ishan who was giving Jiggy the glare he nowadays gives to Arjun. Ishan took his hand off my shoulder.

"What's is wrong?" I asked looking between Jiggy and Ishan.

Arjun came walking to us. I looked at Arjun.

"So... Suhana is really not coming?" He asked.

"Hm..." I said.

"Then... I will just skip." He said.

"Oye... Is only Suhana important to you? Am I not your friend?" I asked.

"Yes, you are." He said. "But...some others will be uncomfortable if I am around." He looked away from Ishan, totally indicating Ishan.

Jiggy came a bit more closer to us three... And there was something really strange with the three today.

"Jiggy will be there for you," I told Arjun.

He chuckled...In a sort of mean way. And totally with an under meaning way. "Ah... I am sorry." He added to me.

"Adithi," Jiggy called, "You guys go ahead. I am going back home."

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