Chapter 7

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Summer vacations. And this was just not any summer vacation. Because our school time had just ended forever this time. 12th was over, and we were about to go to college, and finally, get separated from each other. We all always had been in the same school and same class. But now... people want to choose their separate paths.

Arjun and Farhan were going for engineering. Suhana wanted to be a doctor. Jiggy was going to inherit his dad's company, so he had to go for management studies. Adithi and I were going to media studies. And we were the only ones who might still end up together in one college. And actually, I can't tell you how happy that makes me. I really really hated to get separated from my friends, especially from Adithi. I had gotten so much used to her presence in my life. She was like a comfort point in my life. If she was not there, I felt my life would not be the same.

Adithi always wears the wristband I gave her. It has become an inevitable part of her. I kind of feel good when I see that. Actually, I really love Adithi. Not as a girl... She is more like a pet or a family to me.

And ever since I discussed the matter of Suhana to Adithi, the trouble is my feelings for Suhana was getting a bit stronger and I was getting surer about my feelings. Getting more wishful ... Getting more dreams.

But to get me worried, Arjun and Suhana were getting along really good. No, it was not even the level, of getting along well as friends. I was getting worried seeing them... It was to that level.

Jiggy's older sister's friend, who was the daughter of a super-rich guy, had a seaside villa with an amazing view, along with a strip of private beach, just on the outskirts of Mumbai. Jiggy somehow managed to make his sister ask her friend, and we were getting a chance to visit the villa for one whole day.

Of course, the parents did not trust us enough to send just us the kids visit. Jiggy's sister, Hethel, her boyfriend Rohan, Hethel's friend and the owner of the villa Shanaya, her boyfriend - Karthik, and Farhan's older brother Faiz was coming with us. To keep a check on us.

"Don't worry," Rohan told us. "We would like our privacy too. So we are just there for giving your parents peace of mind. We won't come bothering you guys. So you people have to stay out of our way as well. Okay?"

We nodded.

We all arrived at about 9 am in the morning. We had gone in the car of Faiz and the others had come in Rohan's jeep. We were unloading and I saw Suhana lifting her bag. I ran to help her...

"I will lift that," I said pointing to her backpack.

"No. It's really a light one." She said.

"That's okay," I said, lifting her bag, leaving her to walk freely. She was looking amazing that day in a white three by fourth and a flower print top. White and light colours really suited her. And she does use that and always wear things like that...

Arjun suddenly stopped me.

"Are you getting paid?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

He took Suhana's bag from my hand and gave it back to Suhana. "You can carry that much easier, right?" He asked. She nodded. "Good." He said. "Here is mine... Get that inside as well." He put his bag on Suhana as well. I was alarmed. I was Suhana. No one makes Suhana carry two bags.

But Suhana was laughing.

"And you," Arjun turned to me. "if you are so interested in lifting luggage, you should probably want to take a look at that.." He pointed to Adithi, who was walking with five heavy-looking bags, and a surfboard.

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