Chapter 24

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I yawned. It was getting 11:30 pm. And t was way too useless to stand guard at the terrace door. Who is going to come up to the terrace in November? It was too cold. Not even a fly came bay. This way I will sleep off...

I looked at Ishan. He looked bored too.

"They are taking too long." He commented looking at me.

"Maybe we should take a peek." I suggested. "what if they are arguing or worse... What if Arjun is getting murdered in there? Like if she had a knife with her, and she is stabbing him over and over with that..."

Ishan rolled his eyes.

"It's possible," I said. "We should check, just in case."

I moved to the door indenting to take a peek. Ishan held on to my t-shirt.

"What?" I asked.

"What if they have made up, and is all lovey-dovey now. You don't want to interrupt them," he said.

"Still...Let me confirm." I said. I slightly opened the door and looked out. And I softly whistled. Arjun and Suhana were totally making out. Ishan came near me to a lookout. He saw what was happening and jumped and sat back and pulled me back along with him.

"What?" I asked, pushing him off and trying to take a second look. It's not every day that you get to see a steamy scene like that. It's just disturbing that the people doing it were your twin sister and friend... Still, I won't mind another look.

"It's rude to peek," Ishan said pulling me back. I struggled with him. He is so good-natured. I can tease Suhana over this for ages and take revenge on that chocolate pudding. Ha ha...

"Sit back..." Ishan said pulling me back...

"Are you jealous?" I teased him, "that you are not getting a kiss as well?"

"As if." He sneered at me. He was looking so cute and embarrassed, that I wanted to tease more.

"Oh, poor boy...." I said, "Come on, I will give you one." I pulled him closer. Just teasing him. I don't actually mean to give him one.

"Get off." He pushed me off. I laughed. He fell back to the stairs when he pushed me off and hit the door behind him. The old dusty door rattled. Ishan said, "ouch." And put his hand to his left eye.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Dust went into my eyes." He said, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, don't rub it. Let me see." I said. "I will blow it off."

I pushed his hand away from his eyes and looked at his eye. It had gone a bit red as he rubbed. I held his face in my palms, firmly so as he doesn't turn away, and went closer and blew into his eye a few times. "Better?" I asked.

"Hm..." He said. "I think the dust is out."

Okay, good.

But I was still holding his face under my palm and was too close to his face. Ah...his lips look so adorable. And he looked so cute. His fringes fell to his forehead carelessly. With those 'kind' type eyes he was looking at me. And those lips... With the perfect curve and colour... Adorable lips...

I don't know what happened. I lost memory for a second...Then I found myself kissing Ishan. I had kissed him. My lips were pressed to his lips.

Adithi you total mental case...

I back off at once. What THE HELL was I doing???

Ishan just looked stunned. Or like he got frozen.

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