Chapter 14

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The class was yet to begin and I was sitting with my head lying on the desk... Thinking about Farhan. It had been a month since he got sentenced to prison. But it still feels all unreal. It feels like he might call on my mobile any second and make fun of me for having such a bad nightmare. Say something so mature that the rest of us can not think up in years...

Reva came and sat by me... I did not look at her.

"Hm...Jignesh?" She called in her usual Gujarati accent.

I sat up and looked at her.

She put a Tiffin box in front of me.

"What?" I asked her.

"I made you something." She said, sounding really cautious.

"Food?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I don't want it now," I said pushing it away.

"But... I made it with so much effort." She said. I felt like throwing the Tiffin box away. Here my friend got taken to prison... And what she does is stuff like this.

I did not feel like attending the class. I took my bag and began to leave. Reva immediately began to follow me taking the Tiffin box with her.

"Why don't you try just a bite?" She asked, running to catch up with me, with her heavyweight fat body.

"I said, I don't want it," I told her. "I am not in the mood."

"But I made it to make you feel better. Since you were having a hard time with your friend and all..." She said. "I hoped the food will make you feel better."

I glared at her. She silenced up a bit...

"If you want to make me feel better, just shut up and stay away for a while." I snapped at her.

I walked in the direction of the boys' hostel of the college. Intending to just go to sleep in any of the friends' rooms. If I go home, mom will nag to death.

Reva was still following me. I wanted to yell at her to not follow me. It was irritating... But then, I felt it was better to ignore her than waste my breath on her.

I messaged my classmate Joyjeet if I can sleep in his hostel room. He messaged back, 'feel free'. I stepped into the boys' hostel. I saw Reva following. It was daytime. Girls were allowed to visit the boys' hostel.

I went into Joyjeet's room. Reva followed me inside. I was really irritated now. What does this elephant what?

"What?" I turned to her.

"Sorry. You looked down. So...I..."

"So? You want to comfort me?" I asked her.

She nodded.

I chuckled...

"I am your girlfriend." She said.

Yeah. I was just a bit mad to accept her proposal. I was just too hurt by Suhana's event.

My whole life, I had liked Suhana. Though I always knew that Arjun or Ishan will be the one who will get her. Still, it hurt...

You know, if our story gets made into a movie, my character will be played by some comedy character in the industry. Arjun and Ishan will be played by good looking lead actors. I was the extra in the story... A comedy character...

And actually, even Arjun... The way he behaved back that day, he was mean to just Ishan. It was like he never even considered me as a completion. Well, who will?? Nobody will consider non-good-looking, not-hero-material Jignesh Patel as a competition. Arjun and Ishan were still not talking to each other. I thought that they would talk to each other as they were involved together much in Farhan's case. But they actually managed to not talk to each other even though the whole process, even if they did talk, it was only to talk about Farhan or his case. The friends' talk had not happened. And after Farhan's case was over, they still avoid each other like plague.

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