Chapter 11

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I was combing Adithi's hair. Since her right hand was broken. Well, she had her left hand. Still, she could not move it around so freely as well. And her head was injured as well. But above all, if I give the comb to her, she will just pull through her tangles and make herself hurt. So I decided to comb it for her. I was playing extra care so as not to put extra pressure on the hair or pull hard. The bandage around had been now taken off, and plaster was pasted over the injury. That is on the right side of her forehead.

"It really feels worth it to have got nearly killed," Adithi said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Coz everyone is treating me like a princess now. Giving so much importance to me. Mamma papa. Ishan, and even you." She said. "I am getting so much attention that I might get spoiled. And it feels so good. I wish I always get near-death experiences like this."

I hit her left hand. "Don't talk like that." I snapped.

She just grinned.

But it was true. Adithi was enjoying all the attention now. She had always been less loved than me. Now it feels like she was getting all the love that she didn't get for all these years.

" it true that you and Arjun are a couple?" Adithi asked, cautious.

"So you heard," I said.

"So you don't like Ishan?" She asked.

"Hm..." I said, Yeah...He is a nice guy. But, he is just a friend. "Yeah... I don't."

"Not even a bit?" Adithi asked.

"Hm..." I said. "Romantically, not even a bit. He is a really good friend though."

I wondered if Adithi liked Ishan. The wristband was a gift from Ishan. I didn't know. She did not tell me when I asked her from whom it was from. And she dived in the ocean to get the wrist band...

Was she going to sacrifice her love since Ishan liked me???

Well, that was so like something Adithi would do. If I had chosen Ishan, once again, only I have become the bad one in the story, without my fault.

My mobile beeped just then. I looked at it. It was a text message from Arjun. 'Come to Rooftop' it said.

Adithi over-read my message, "Go," she said, "I can manage the rest on my own."

I nodded at her and got up. I paused and looked at the mirror to see if I look okay. I didn't like my hair. So I brushed the comb in my hand through my hair.

"Oh, Please..." Adithi said. "You look gorgeous even in your sleep. So just go now... He must be waiting."

"Should I put some foundation...?" I turned to Adithi.

She rolled her eyes.

"Okay...Sorry. I am overreacting." And it's not like Arjun is seeing me for the first time anyway. He has seen me all my life. But then, why was I so nervous??

But while I walked up the steps to the rooftop, my heart was beating really fast. Even when Arjun and I had got together, we never got time to actually sit and have a proper talk even. Because Adithi had got injured and all... We did meet a few times, but not alone. And I was never in the right mind to have a proper date like thing, as I was worried over Adithi...

I walked up to the rooftop and couldn't see anyone. Has he not come yet?

Suddenly I was hugged from behind... I felt Arjun's familiar presence. He snuggled closer and settled his head on my shoulder.

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