Chapter 13

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I woke up hearing commotion in the corridor. I sat up in my bed and wondered what was wrong. I got up from bed and walked into the living room. My parents were coming out from the bedroom as well.

"What is the noise?" Dad asked.

I shook my head, as I had no idea and went and opened the front door and looked out. A few of our neighbours were also coming out of their respective homes now. I rubbed my head and yawned and walked out to the corridor to see what was wrong.

A stretcher was coming out of Apartment 406 held by some paramedics. On the stretcher was Akram Khan. He seemed to be injured on his head. I winced looking at the blood that was coming from his head. The paramedics hurried him off to the elevator and down. The neighbours gathered in the corridor was whispering among themselves.

Then I saw two policemen coming out from Apartment 406. And they were leading someone out from the apartment, with handcuffs and all.

It was Farhan.

I couldn't believe my eyes for a second. I looked in the direction of Farhan's parents who were outside their door looking at the scene. They seemed to have realized for the first time that their son was not in his room... And that he was indeed the one who was with the police. Farhan's mom ran to him...

"Farhan..." She caught hold of him. "What the hell is the meaning of this?"

"Mother..." He told her.

"Are you his parents?" The policemen asked Farhan's parents.

"Yes." They quickly answered.

"Come to the police station. It's an attempt to murder case." They told them and dragged away Farhan. I ran to him... "Farhan," I called.

"Family and friends, please stay away and come to the police station later." The policeman said, pushing me away. Farhan's mother was crying behind me...

They led Farhan away and we stood watching. I just could not believe this. What did the hell happen? How was Farhan at Mr Khan's house? And attempt to murder??

"Ishan..." Farhan's dad called me.

I looked at uncle...

Both Father and mother of Farhan looked too confused and lost. Farhan's brother, Faizan bhai was away at the hostel as well. I felt I needed to take charge. I needed to think something...something...

We needed to go to the police station. But...Yeah. We might need a lawyer...

Arjun's dad was a criminal lawyer.

"Stay here," I told aunty and uncle. "I will get Arjun's dad."

They nodded.

I didn't even bother to take the elevator and ran up the two stairs to the 6th floor and ran through the corridor to Arjun's house. The sixth floor was still quiet and nobody seemed to have noticed the commotion on the 4th floor.

I rang the calling bell to Arjun's house. I waited... Impatiently. I was panicking out. I rang the bell again. And since it was delaying in answering, I rang the bell a couple more times.

The door was opened by Arjun. He looked like he woke up from sleep. "Ishan?" he asked, confused, "What's up?"

"Your dad is home, right?" I asked. "Could you please wake him up...? It's urgent."

"What happened?" Arjun asked.

"Farhan got arrested. He got taken to the police station. Go get your dad." I said.

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