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"Krrish, when r we going now ?" Ruhi asked for the 100th time now as per my assumption and again I ignored her like usual.

Now I know what she is going to say -Krrish,I am  talking to u.

"Krrish, I am talking to u." OK, finally she spat out what I thought. Now she will ask - Why r u not talking to me ? Ok, don't talk as u wish. Now see, it will also match with her thoughts.

"I have been asking u something for so long. Why r u not talking to me ? R u deaf ? Ok, don't talk and do as u wish."

Yeah that's what she asked. Ok, I agreed that she had said something else also but still it had got matched with my assumption partly. She pouted and turned to other side again focusing on her phone. I chuckled in my mind and muttered under my breath smiling,

"Silly girl."

"Did u say something?" She asked.

Do I speak so loud ?

"No, nothing" I shook my head. Finally after a few more minutes, my car halted at the spot for what I was longing to come and celebrate with her. I grinned at the view through the window and turned to Ruhi who was also watching at the place with a hint of confusion.

"Krrish, why have u braught me here ? " I just shook my head smilingly and held her hand dragging out of the car as we both headed towards the park. We walked through the path of the park holding hands.

This is just too perfect. I have actually booked this park for the next 3 hours. Although it has actually cost a lot, yet it's nothing infront of Ruhi. After what I have done, I have to repay by doing anything to make her smile and that's what I am just trying to do.Actually, Karan has suggested me to come here. Yup, he has already spent his times with Ritika here and now I guess that it's my time. Thinking this, I blushed inwardly.

During this time of mid-afternoon, this park is looking so spectacular under the splendor of the distant sun. The park is wrapped with the mattress of green tress ,beaches and a fountain in the middle. The landscape seems merged with the adjacent field and the sky above. Calm and quite, anyone can be touched by this untained beauty of this park like me. All thanks to Karan bro for suggesting me to come here.

I was so engrossed in appreciating the profound beauty that I totally forgot about my wife even. I came back into senses when I heard her shouting,

"WOW,THIS IS SO WONDERFUL, KRRISH." Ruhi was jumping in joy to see the this majestic sight.

"Yup, u liked it, right ?" I asked scratching on the back of my neck. She came back running to me breathing heavily probably because of the actions she pulled right now. I meant jumping.

"I FUCKING LOVED IT. U R THE BEST" She squealed in joy and jumped in my arms. I somehow caught her before we would lose our balance. I twirled her and we both laughed.

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