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2 years later

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2 years later

"No matter what, I want u home before they arrive. " Krrish spoke sounding absolutely serious. I rolled my eyes at his possessiveness.

"Don't roll your eyes. I can't see it but I know u Mrs. Chauhan." I blushed on how he could mange to catch what I was doing even without seeing me.

"OK, I understand. I will come before they arrive and I mean it." I said.

"Yeah, that's like a good girl. R u excited to meet them ?" He asked.

"Yeah, very much. It's been so long we have talked to each other. I am glad that they r coming today." I replied feeling a sudden blow of happiness to think that finally we all r meeting after so long time.

"OK baby, I will call u back. I love u." He said and I could hear him pressing his lips to the phone for sending me a "kiss". I laughed to think how cheesy we were.

"I love u too." I also sent a kiss through the phone giggling and hung up. Then the rest of the times were spent by checking patients. After finishing my works, I headed to my destination.

It's been 2 years of us living together. I have successfully completed my medical college with good marks. Later, I have come back in India with Krrish. He used to visit me in Los Angles frequently. Now we r back in India and living with Ritika and Karan in our own house. Krrish has unexpectedly gained popularity in his buisness field. Besides, Karan had also left his job and joined in Krrish's company as the marketing advisor. Our buisness is flourishing fortunately with the hard works of Chauhan Brothers. Karan was always adamant not to join his father's buisness as he thought that he was not getting the job by his qualification. But when he saw his little brother earning the respect of the community, he decided to help him with his works. That's how, they r doing absolutely good. Krrish and Karan both were gradually becoming famous and cracking deals after deals with big buisnessmen. Our company has taken a great place in marketing department in the country. Our company is now considered to be one of the most successful companies in our state.

I have also started my job as general physician in ABC hospital. I am absolutely happy in present time with everything going on. Today, we have "reunion". My friends r going to come along with their own family.

After reaching my house, I found out that Krrish hadn't returned yet. I cursed him internally for forcing me to come home quickly and now he was being late. I didn't bother to disturb Ritika as she was busy with her child. I absolutely forgot to mention that Karan and Ritika had adopted a girl before a year who had just turned 4 in this month. She is brunette with fair skin and is extremely cute. She had now mixed up with us completely. Karan and Ritika had named her Anita. She is quiet around us but she takes a different form infront of Krrish. She plays with him and they both seem to be extremely close to each other.

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