Chapter 1: WARNING: System Announcement

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Y/n P.O.V.

Cashier: "Here you go sir" The cashier handed me the bags full of groceries, as I placed my credit card back into my wallet "Thank you, come again" She politely said as I gave a small nod and walked to the door of the grocery store. 

As I walked for a bit the feeling of my cellphone vibrating grabbed my attention. Taking it out as I continued walking I looked to my notifications with a bored look to see that it was a message from my mom.


 Mom: Remember that it's your turn today Y/n, I expect a full gourmet buffet when I get home! 


I sighed with a small smile at her joke and typed my response.


You: Ya' don't have to worry ma', expect the best dinner this side of Japan! But remember that I'll be checking out that game I've been talking about nonstop so I'll be a bit busy.


I press send as I exited from the chat strolling down my other chats seeing if I had any other unread texts. My finger stopped moving landing on one specific number that had a short message next to its profile picture.


Kureha: We'll talk later! Mommy is calling me down for dinner! Talk later N/n (Nickname)


Y/n: "Takamine..." I whispered as I looked at the chat that had not been opened nor spoken in, in a very long time.

Though I had chatted a bit with her after she moved away we slowly began talking less and less. Then eight years passed and we never spoke again. Now the chat was abandoned, with me not knowing what she's been up to.

Y/n: "Maybe I should talk to her again..." The idea crossed my mind, my thumb ready to press her profile picture. 


That is till a loud notification appeared on my screen.

'12:30! Remember to log in!!!!!' The notification read as a loud alarm sound played.

Y/n: 'Oh crap....' I looked at the phone's clock as I mentally cursed 'It's already this late!? I promised myself that I'd be logged on the second the servers opened! Sorry, Kureha I'll write to you after I log off for today. Besides, I wouldn't want to half-ass a message that could rekindle an old friendship!'

Y/n: "I'm gonna be laaattttteeeee!!" I yelled like a maniac as I ran down the sidewalk, grocery bag still in my hands, running full speed to my house as the people around gave me weird looks for some reason.

I continued to run down the street at full speed, determined to get to my house before 13:00. After all, SAO will be opening its servers for the first time after beta! Unfortunately, I wasn't one of the lucky few that got to play it but I digress. I ran and ran, passing other people and crossing street after street. Unfortunately, my speeding was stopped.

Y/n: "Oof!" 

???: "Ow!" 

Eventually running into someone at a street corner. I rubbed my head in pain as I vaguely made out the silhouette of a woman with long hair.

Y/n: "Oh! Um...Sorry miss, I'm in a bit of a hurry!" I stood up, checking my bag to see if anything had fallen out. Seeing everything was still inside the bag I continued my way home before the woman could even get in a word "Again, sorry!" I yelled again as I ran off.

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