Chapter 7: The fidgety pig

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3rd Person P.O.V.

It was daytime in the fields on the 2nd-floor, a few days had passed since Y/n had been given his secret quest and begun the hunt to find Fredrick's loved one out in the fields. 

Looking over a cliffside stood a large party of players discussing their plans to fight the field boss that guarded the bridge that crossed a large chasm leading to the village closest to the floor labyrinth. 

So, today was the day that the clearing groups that are known as the "Aincrad Liberation Squad" and the "Dragon Knights Brigade" alongside non-affiliated players that had decided to volunteer were going to fight against the Mid-boss called the Bullbous Bow.

So, today was the day that the clearing groups that are known as the "Aincrad Liberation Squad" and the "Dragon Knights Brigade" alongside non-affiliated players that had decided to volunteer were going to fight against the Mid-boss called the Bul...

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Asuna: 'I wonder how many steaks that would make?' As she looked at the Bull monster in hunger, Asuna was lost in her thoughts. Kneeling down as she looked over the cliffside with her hood up.

Players around her chatted with each other. A small group of heavy armor players talked amongst themselves with one of their members sitting on a cloth mat with various tools that appeared to be for blacksmithing.

Kibaou: "Where are your pardners?" Casually asked Kibaou as he approached from behind Asuna with his hands in his pockets.

Kibaou: "I ain't seen much of them on the second floor" He told as he now stood next to the hunched-over Asuna. 

Kibaou: "Did ya' manage to get my message to that multi-weapon kid?" Kibaou then asked in a slightly softer tone, looking to the side as he did.

Asuna: "I've got no idea where those two are. Besides, the three of us are Solo Players, so don't get the wrong idea" Asuna stated with a sigh at the end, rolling her eyes away from Kibaou and back at the giant bull on the lower field.

Kibaou: "Hmm... Well, there's a party of five over there. Wanna go join up?" The spiky-haired man asked the fencer gal. Pointing over to a small group of players with his thumb.

Asuna: "Like I just told you. I'm a solo" Asuna gave her answer, not even giving Kibaou a quick glance, only staring ahead with an uninterested expression.

Kibaou: "Awright then..." Kibaou simply answered, not caring too much about it. He wasn't really that adamant about Asuna having to join a party, it was just something he wanted to suggest just in case.

Lind walked from the side, having heard the conversation between the two. He currently had armor equipped that looked very similar to the one Diavel had on during the boss fight.

Lind: "There's no need to feel any responsibility to those rouges..." Lind said as he looked down at Asuna snapping her out of her bored gaze, a scowl slowly forming on his face. "Though if you want to participate in the boss battle, you need to join a party" Lind determinedly said, trying to convince the fencer.

Lind looked down at his hand, clenching his fist as his face turned into a fierce scowl.

Lind: "You need to understand" Lind started as Asuna continued to look up at him "As the current leader that Diavel placed for the front lines... I cannot allow for irregularities to throw off the order and discipline of the group!" Lind told as seriously as he could.

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