Chapter 4: Giving a helping hand

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Y/n's P.O.V. 


Y/n: "I'm hack-in n' slashin'~! Hack-in n' slashin'~!" I said in a sing-song voice, slashing down at the multiple monsters that stood in front of me.

It had been about a month since SAO had started. Now over 2,000 players had died to the harshness of this world. Due to their sadness, their grief or insanity, this world had taken their freedom and their will to live.

But me?

Currently I was happily cutting down monsters in the 1st-floor dungeon. The enemies there were now, basically obsolete. They gave little to no EXP, so I was just wasting my time, looking for items to upgrade more of my equipment. 

I would say that but...

Y/n: "Hmm..." I stopped my slashing to look over at a specific player in the distance. They were clearly a female that had the same cloak that Argo always had on. She had a rapier in hand, and she was rushing recklessly at the enemies. Piercing them but leaving herself open way too much. This was the real reason I was here, to tail this player and make sure she doesn't kill herself.

Y/n: "She's getting more and more sloppy with each monster she kills... If this goes on she'll faint from exhaustion..." I muttered to myself as she began to walk to a small opening in the labyrinth wall, I followed some distance behind her. 

I sighed, not only at the player's recklessness but also at my own predicament.

Y/n: 'Argo, why did you have to trick me into doing his job...?' I questioned in frustration at my inability to deny her request.

For some context, Argo had asked me to check on a player that she had met a while back. She said her reckless behavior from before could easily get her killed. She also added, in her own words:


Argo: "Ya' need to socialize more U/n! Ya' can't keep to yer' self the whole way to the 100th floor. Ya' need some more buddies like liddle ol' me!" She said in her usual laid-back tone.

Y/n: "Yeah,'re starting to sound like my mother..." I answered with an eye roll and a groan.

Argo: "I'm bein' serious here!" 


So I'm stuck here, trying to prevent a player from killing themselves and 'make friends', that's my current predicament.

The player continued into the small opening, as the two of us reached a large room filled to the brim with kobold sentinels. Each one held an axe and had razor sharp teeth.

Y/n: 'I've been in that room before, it's a good area to grind in the labyrinth...if you know how to measure yourself against the monsters that is' I thought as I began watching the player rush at the monsters with speed and precision 'Damn, she's good. Argo wasn't kidding when she said that this player had good skills in the Rapier tree' I continued my train of thought as I continued to watch her. 

The player then tried to pierce another monster, but she barely missed due to her arm being too open.

Y/n: 'She's got skill, but she's still a novice' I continued to watch on, the player just barely being able to doge the enemies and attacking others. Just as a precaution I began to change my equipped weapon from a dagger to a rapier. 

Hey if I'm going to save her might as well do it while giving her some pointers on how to use the weapon properly.

In the brief seconds I looked away a Kobold trooper managed to sneak their way behind her, their large axe above their head and ready to strike. Then it swung down, hitting her directly on the back with the dull side of the weapon.

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