Chapter 8: The cake break

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Y/n quietly and happily sipped his tea while he sat opposite Kirito and Asuna. Both front-liners had their attention on him, but Y/n was too busy either sipping his tea or taking a bite out of a sandwich he had taken out of his inventory to care about whatever was going on around the table.

It wasn't that he wasn't interested in whatever they were talking about, it was just that the topics talked between the two seemed so boring he hadn't bothered listening before and he was sure he didn't want to start listening now. So he just looked at them. The low-volume conversation was mostly between Kirito and Asuna because Y/n wasn't exactly part of it. He was still enjoying his food.

Kirito: "What do you think that was all about...?" Kirito inquired as he leaned over to Asuna, who had her eyes narrowed to a slit at Y/n as if she could see through to him, although she couldn't really...

Simply because there were only a few inches separating them.

Asuna: "I'm not sure myself..." Asuna responded while she kept looking suspiciously at Y/n. The other boy turned his head towards Kirito in question as if to say 'what?' But instead of looking directly at Y/n he turned his gaze down and then back up again to Asuna's face.

As a response, Asuna looked away from the black-haired swordsman with a 'Hmph'. Kirito sighed dramatically at having been ignored by not only Y/n but Asuna as well.

Asuna: 'What the heck was with those skills he used against the Boss? And why was he chasing around a pig?' The rapier user thought to herself, her eyes glued on the side of Y/n's head, watching every movement he made while he pleasantly munched on his sandwich. 

The chestnut-colored hair frowned when she noticed that he suddenly stopped eating.

Y/n: "Are you guys gonna keep staring at me...? Or are you actually gonna ask me about the quest I completed earlier? 'Cuz it definitely looks like you two are curious about it" Y/n asked jokingly, though he wasn't even remotely surprised when he got no answer.

Kirito just kept looking at him in silence, which somehow irritated the H/c haired boy. Asuna looked up to him to give him another look before she continued on with what she had been doing. Sipping her own tea.

Y/n: 'Geez... what traumatized these two? It's like they are terrified of asking me about anything...' Y/n sighed with disappointment and began to eat again, albeit silently. After quickly finishing his food and drink he came to the realization of something very, very obvious.


"You. Owe. Me."

"You're my meat shield till you die, got it?"


Y/n: 'Oh right, me...' Y/n looked down at his feet and scratched the back of his head. He knew he wouldn't get anywhere in this argument so he decided he'd have to change tactics for now.

Y/n: 'Oh boy... I've been quite the bully haven't I...' He chuckled nervously to himself.

Y/n coughed softly to gain the attention of both parties. When neither reacted, he cleared his throat louder and tried again. Still, he didn't receive any reaction either time.

Y/n: "Hmm..." Y/n tilted his head in confusion and put down his empty plate of sandwiches.

Shortly after a lightbulb went off above Y/n's head. He grinned brightly as an idea popped into his mind.

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