Chapter 2: The grind is real

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Y/n P.O.V.

'Watch out!'


'NO NO NO, I don't want to die!!'


'YOU! PLEASE , HELP ME!!' *STAB* 'AAH!' *BITE* I-it's not fair...why .... I want to go ho-' *SHATTER!*



I breathed heavily as I was knocked out of my trance by the sight of the remaining blue polygons of the monster I just killed. Looking to my left I saw a few more Little Nepenthes. A level 3 plant monster

Y/n: "Guess now they're easy kills, with the levels I gained they aren't much of a threat or a priority monster *Yawn* God I'm tired, how long have I been out in the fields?" I asked opening my menu, taking out a potion, drinking it and taking a look at the in-game clock and date.


11:30 PM 11/13/22

I spat out the potion in shock. It had been 7 days since I left the town of beginnings, and I had not slept through any of them. Not. One. Single. Moment. And i was starting to feel the effects kick in.

Y/n: "I don't know if i should feel proud from coming close to my record or ashamed that I became a tryhard..." I rubbed the bridge of my nose with a frustrated sigh, now walking back to town. 

Though SAO was a death game, if studied properly one could easily live through it till the end. And that's exactly what I did with the help of my completionist mentality. Though for now I had a limit on how many skills I could develop I guessed that as the floors were cleared more skill trees would be able to be studied. 

Yawing again, I stepped into the confort of the safe zone, away from those pesky boar, wolves and nepenthes.

Then a problem then arose.

Y/n: "Where are the inns?" 

I walked aimlessly for a bit, till I heard someone shuffling and passing some distance behind me.

Y/n: 'Someone's following me' 

I kept looking forward beginning to walk a bit faster, turning a corner a swiftly dodging some NPC's on the way, all the while I still felt that person following me. I turned my head slightly and saw  a perfect place to hide. I walked into an alleyway, waiting for the stalker to walk by.



Stalker: "Don't ya' think it's kinda creepy to hide in an' alleyway?" A voice suddenly said behind me.

Y/n: "WHOA-Jesus!" 

Stalker: "Nyahahah! You're quite the jumpy one aren't ya'" The small hooded figure said with a small laugh "Though ya' lost me back there?" 

I rolled my eyes at her comment, looking at her while keeping a deadpan.

Stalker: "So? Gonna introduce yer' self or are ya' gonna just stand there till ya' fall asleep? Cause from the look of things you look ready to faint"

Y/n: "Why are you following me?" 

Stalker: "So he speaks! Did liddle ol' Argo scare you, nyahaha!" The figure laughed again, briefly showing part of her face. Seeing some strands of blonde hair and a glimpse of her brown eyes, still mostly covered by the hood she wore. 

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