Chapter 9: Brown-haired fury

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Y/n's P.O.V.

"Stop right there criminal smithing scum!"

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"Stop right there criminal smithing scum!"

Oh shit!!! I'm not going back to jail!!

My heart began to race rapidly as I looked directly at the origin of the voice, which promptly

Oh, wait... It's just some random player...

My body was still in the "middle of a swing" position as this random brown-haired girl jumped in front of me and blocked my vision of the inn in front of me.

Girl: "You think you can scam players out of their Col with a smithing deal and not deal with the consequences." Her eyes were narrowed while her arms crossed in front of her chest.

Y/n: "...What?" I replied, totally confused by what she is talking about.

Girl: "You know what I mean! How dare you trick innocent players into thinking you'll upgrade their weapons and armor! Show some remorse for your crime against them!" She kept spouting nonsense at me with no mercy in her eyes. She yelled at me while also trying to push me out of my swinging position. 

The other players were all staring at us like we were crazy. 

Great... More of my reputation, eroded by my incredible skill for finding every nutcase in this damn game...

She looked like she was ready to punch my head off or at least kick me where it hurts if I continue to stay silent or "play innocent".

Y/n: "No I mean seriously, what the hell are you talking about?!" I finally asked, yelling harder than necessary, making her flinch away from me slightly.

The brunette huffed in annoyance before answering.

Girl: "You're honestly still playing dumb huh? You think that I wouldn't figure out who you are because you have no face mask on and a hoodie over your head?" The girl pointed at the hoodie covering half my face with both of her hands.

I felt my whole body heat up under her intense gaze, which made me feel uncomfortable. I quickly took off my hoodie but left my face uncovered so she could clearly see my full face.

Her eyes immediately widened and then narrowed once more.

Y/n: "Look kid-" I began to say, but she interrupted me before I could even finish my sentence.

Girl: "Hey! I am NOT a damn kid!" The last part came out almost like a hiss. She was clearly angry with me but her demeanor had changed completely. She seemed to be glaring now instead of trying to intimidate me.

Y/n: "Well... Look... You... I literally have no idea nor the patience to deal with some lofty accusation about me... What was it you said? Scam people out of their Col? Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't do commissions for weapons or upgrades. I only have the smithing skill to use it on my own equipment..."

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