Authors Note

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Hello hello! Just a few quick notes before we get started.

First, if you are coming from 'Antidote' by my dear friend georgiesbxtch, welcome! Not only do you have amazing taste as their work is incredibly written, but it means a lot you'd take their recommendation of my work as well.

I started writing then rewriting Restricted over a year ago, and I would not have without her support and advice. Since the beginning we wanted to write this series as a collaborative work, our stories will take place in the same universe so the characterization, stories, and drama will carry over into this story.

Their second book 'Delirium' will take place in the same year as this book, I'd recommend reading both for different perspectives and relationships. Plus having two chapters to read a week sounds like a lot of fun to me.

If you are not coming from Antidote, I strongly recommend giving it a read, the writing is impeccable between her OC and George as an enemies to lovers story. (It's also personally my favorite).

With all that said, lets get into the not so exciting preface I want to give to my readers.

As you could've seen, the OC and main character of this story is Severus Snape's daughter. I can understand that many readers can be turned off to stories regarding sympathizing with Snape. Which is why i'm here to make clear is not what I am intending to do.

I think the original writing of JKR left lots of unexplored perspectives and illy explained plot lines, specifically in the character of Severus Snape. I am not excusing, sympathizing, or agreeing with any of his actions in the original work, and they will be addressed and acknowledged throughout my series.

Snape is still a bully, but in this book he has a deeper backstory, motivations, and more substance overall.

Throughout this fic, i'll be exploring and acknowledging the motivations Snape had in his relation to being a father. Instead of relaying his distaste for Harry as his lasting obsession for Lily, this more explores him finally understanding love in the form of being a parent.

Speaking of Lily, I wanted to address this before I saw any comments suspecting. Lily is not the OC (Madeline's) mother. All will be revealed later in a plot appropriate manner.

Back to a lighter note, my tiktok, twitter, pinterest, are all linked in my bio! You can check those out for updates, edits, and general tomfoolery. And opposed to popular belief of my username on tiktok: freddiestombstone, FRED DOES NOT DIE IN THIS SERIES. The name just has a nice ring to it.

Another huge thank you to my bestie, beta, and now co-creator, georgiesbxtch!!!

ALRIGHT! I'm done with my rambling. Thank you so much for reading my first authors note! I truly appreciate it.

Here we go...

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