Chapter 17. Amicable

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Jolie was indeed, not in their dorm alone—but with George.

The two of them were intertwined together on Jolie's bed, and practically naked.

A fire bloomed in Madeline's cheeks as the couple covered up. But her own embarrassment aside, she was furious.

George groaned, the sound riddled with annoyance.

"Oh, fucking hell—"

"No!" Madeline spat. "You do notget to whinge right now!"

The audacity of those two!

Now knowing they'd clearly been enjoying themselves whilst having her and Fred locked in the Astronomy tower, it was an understatement to say it sent Madeline into a blind rage.

"Madi..." Jolie uttered slowly, soothingly. She reached for her jumper, sliding her head and arms through as Madeline began to rant.

"Don't even start with me. You two are the absolute worst—"

"What?" George interrupted with a scoff. "We provided you with a fun evening in the Astronomy Tower. If you're going to complain, go cry about it to your boyf—"

Jolie shoved a discarded jumper in his face, presumably his own as her friend was clothed.

But Madeline glared harder at him. She wanted George to finish that sentence and possibly give her a reason to hex him if she could muster one good enough.

"Madeline, we're sorry," Jolie soothed, and George mumbled under the jumper.

"I'm not."

She locked eyes with Jolie. Her roommate's cheeks were flushed and blonde hair tousled, but she remained holding her stare, eyes wide with sincerity.

But Madeline didn't care.

"I'm sorry for ambushing you. But—"

"No 'buts'!" she screeched, cutting Jolie off. "You forced us to stay in that tower together when you know—"

"'Forced' is a very strong word—" Jolie muttered.

Madeline cut her off again with a gasp.

"You charmed the door to lock us in!"

"You said you couldn't be caught with him!"

Hasty words were spewing from both of them, all for George to hear. But Madeline continued to shout.

"Exactly! Then you force me into the same place with him?!"

"That's why we locked the door!" Jolie countered. "It was about keeping others out—not keeping you two in!"

Madelines hands curled into tight fists.

"Bollocks!" she screeched, stamping her foot at the same time.

Her glare subtly shifted to her trunk, then back at her friend before continuing.

"I trusted you with that..." she paused, glancing at George. "—with you-know-what, and you took advantage of that! You knew I wasn't supposed to—"

"Don't you dare write me off as the villain, here, Madeline," Jolie spat, her once calming tone now levelling into something more stern. "I gave you an opportunity to do as you please without following that bloody li—"

Madeline cut her off, and fast, before she could mention The List aloud in front of George.

"Even if it didn't exist, even if I didn't have to follow those rules, how do you think it would look if I was caught alone with another wizard? I have a boyfriend—"

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