Chapter 32. Dragons

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Adrian's father, Lawrence Pucey, was a callous and unabashedly harsh man.

He had regarded her with such an obvious disdain that Madeline feared if she did so much as breathe incorrectly, his apparent and visible hatred would only grow.

Mr Pucey did not seem to share the veil of unreadable features or opinions that his son had. Every grimace, quiet huff of annoyance, or hardened stare the man gave had certainly not gone unnoticed.

Therefore, when Adrian had kindly invited Madeline to join their company on the walk towards the task's arena, she tried her hardest to feign appreciation for the offer.

If there were any alternative, she wouldn't have thanked Adrian and trailed closely beside him as they ventured further into the Forbidden Forest.

She discerned within moments of their trip that his fathers demeanour had little to no effect on Adrian, as if he were accustomed to Mr Pucey's particular way of introduction.

Adrian's hand remained on the small of her back as the three continued with their trekking along the outlined path. Eventually though, he extended his elbow for her take as they approached the stone and wood built structure that those on the path ahead began filtering into.

Madeline quickly accepted his arm at the brief sight of Mr Pucey's curled upper lip from her escort's other side. Her hesitation to the polite gesture evidently was not lost on him either.

Adrian led them through the creaking wooden archway and up a hearty set of stairs before the three came to a halt at the end of the queue of ticket holders waiting patiently for the event.

"Madeline, will your family be joining us today as well?" Adrian asked as he glanced down to her, his expression sincere and comparatively warm.

"I'm afraid not," she replied, eyeing the formed arena beside them. "My father is away on business."

Beside the arena, four canvas tents stood along the perimeter, each of the tents occupied with the familiar bustling of long robed healers and their apprentices.

Madeline assumed by the expressions and haste of the precautions being made by those around the tents, the first task must be dangerous.

"That's a shame," Adrian sighed solemnly. "I would have enjoyed meeting him."

Madeline subdued a grin.

She shifted her gaze to comb through the groups already seated ahead in the arena. She spotted the headmaster, sat amongst the judges' panel alongside Mr Crouch, Karkaroff, and Madam Maxime.

The four looked to be speaking lowly to themselves, occasionally lifting their attention to give a friendly wave or greeting to whomever met their gaze.

She continued to search through the collection of her school's professors in the alcove to their left. She found that whilst the other Heads of Houses were in attendance, her father was not yet among them.

"What business does your father partake in, Miss Lilith?" Mr Pucey suddenly asked, abruptly tugging her attention back at the sound of her pseudo-surname.

Though as innocent the question was, Madeline still found herself hesitant to confide in the snarling man.

She cleared her throat before replying, attempting a steady appearance of confidence.

"He's a Potioneer, sir. Last I heard from him, he was gathering supplies off the coast of Singapore."

"Fascinating," Adrian chimed, oblivious to her outright lie.

Mr Pucey nodded once, and Madeline clamped down on her jaw in hopes the answer was sufficient enough.

But unfortunately, the peaks of his stained teeth made their way into her sights again as he continued.

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